Laporte: "It flatters me the interest of the barça"

Aymeric Laporte: "it flatters Me the interest of the Barça"

Aymeric Laporte: "it flatters Me the interest of the Barça"

Published:18/01/2014 - 11:10h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

The central youngster of the Athletic of Bilbao, Aymeric Laporte (19 years), has answered to the supposed interest of the FC Barcelona in doing with his services this next summer, according to desvelaron the diverse Thursday means of the Basque Country. "It flatters me the interest"

In statements to the journalist François David, of 'RTL France', the central youngster of the Athletic of Bilbao Aymeric Laporte has spoken on the supposed interest of the Barça in hiring him this next summer. "The interest of the Barça flatters me. From small dream with playing in a team like this, but in these moments do not think in this. I am very well in Bilbao and, besides, it would be necessary to pay 36 million euros", has manifested the young perla of the Basque group, of so only 19 years of age.

Laporte Is one of the a lot of names that have sounded along the last months like possible reinforcements of the FC Barcelona for this summer. The Barcelona technical body has clear that has to fichar to a central to cover definitively this position, in which only there are three footballers 100% available if we leave to explain to Carles Puyol mermado from does time by the injuries

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