Matthijs Of Ligt, during a party with the Juventus in the UCL


Bad news for Barça? Bayern would have closed an agreement with De Ligt

Published:5/07/2022 - 19:09h

Updated:5/07/2022 - 19:09h

Matthijs de Ligt's future could be at Bayern. The player wants to leave Juventus and has already reached an agreement with the Munich team, who are negotiating his transfer with the 'bianconeri'

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Matthijs Of Ligt aims to be one of the proper names of the market of signings. The Dutch has not finished of 'cuajar in the Juventus, and from his arrival in 2019 after a glorious season in the Ajax has not gone back to 'shine' as it arrived it to do in Johan Cruyff Sand. Nevertheless, the 'bianconeri' followed having he and looked for to renew his agreement, which expires 2024. Well, the negotiations to extend the same would have 'broken' and in Turín already give him by request.

This stage would have been taken advantage of the Bayern of Munich, those who already would have closed a personal agreement with the defender. 'Sky Germany' ensured the past Monday that the central take the determination to abandon the rows of Massimiliano Allegri and would have chosen to the Bavarians like new destination. Now, the half Teutonic 'Sport1' has informed that the defender already would have pactado his new agreement with the muniquenses and would be expecting of the agreement between clubs.

By his part, the German journalist Christian Falk has affirmed that the conversations of the player with the sportive director of the institution Teutonic, Hasan Salihamidžić, and his trainer, Julian Nagelsmann, were keys so that this decided to put course to the capital of Baviera. Of the same form, the previously quoted source sustained that from the offices of the Allianz Sand already are in conversations with the 'Vecchia Signora', but these are not had to credit the 70 million euros that ask from Italy.

Of this way, the champions of the Bundesliga will fulfil an old wish, since these tried the signing of Of Ligt in the 2019 when this decided to go out of Ámsterdam to dress the T-shirt 'bianconera'. In fact, the central youngster Dutch was inflate of the Bayern during his youth, factor that would have influenced in the decision that has taken for this summer. This was confirmed by his ex agent agent, the recently died Mino Raiola, the one who confessed to finals of 2021 that "The conversations were very good. It was a penalty that at the end did not work". Now, it would be to a step to put under the orders of Nagelsmann.

The Barça would go out affected

To concretise the signing of the Dutch by the Bayern, the FC Barcelona could suffer one of the 'collateral effects'. And it is that Chelsea is the another team that is in the 'career' by the defender and would be had to pay any figure that demand from Munich. However, if Matthijs arrived them to 'escape', the londinenses would launch with everything to by Jules Koundé, the big aim of the culés to reinforce his defence. It will remain for seeing that sucede in the next days, but the 'case Of Ligt' has paints of 'serial'.

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