joao cancelo felix


Barça only wants Cancelo and Joao Félix on loan and with low salaries

Published:27/04/2024 - 12:40h

Updated:27/04/2024 - 19:01h

FC Barcelona has been changing its roadmap with the Joaos little by little until reaching a point where it only considers them continuing if it is with another loan. The culés do not want to pay a transfer fee for any of them and they will not pay them high salaries

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Joao Félix and Cancel have not surrendered like the FC Barcelona expected when them fichó in summer. Both did a big economic effort to arrive yielded of the Athletic of Madrid and of the Manchester City, respectively. In the case of the excolchonero, had to renounce to 50% of his wage to renew until 2029 and afterwards go, happening of 8 million net euros to 4, and in the Barça until the 2. By his part, the side has not had to lose so much, but still like this happened to win more than 7 'kilos' net to embolsarse 6.

Both have showed commitment and have left clear that wanted to play in the Barcelona picture went as it went. However, the things have not gone like them dreamed, since in the case of the carrilero has left a lot of doubts in defence, failing in key parties as in the eliminatory in front of Paris Saint-Germain of Champions League and in the Classical against the Real Madrid. His compatriot neither has been to the height of the expectations that generated when it arrived, since it expected that it exploded at last and his level has been so irregular as it has accustomed along his career.

Xavi Hernández has left clear that trusts more in Cancel that in Joao Félix, since the defence has been titularísimo all the season, first in the right and afterwards in the left when lesionó Alejandro Balde. The attacker, instead, began being indisputable in the XI, but little by little was losing his place until remaining clearly relegado to the bench. From it does some months is acting usual and the Catalan trainer is used to him use like revulsivo when the meeting needs some magic and talent in three chambers of field.

The Barça only will go to by the Joaos if they come free

With this panorama, in the newspaper 'SPORT' have left clear that in the FC Barcelona neither pose spend an alone euro by them this next summer. For the club, any is prioritario, although in case to have to choose is the side the one who more convinces of face to the course that comes. The Barça, therefore, only will accept that they follow if it is with another cession in which it did not be to pay and in which, in the case of Cancel, renounce to a greater part of his wage, since it considers that the 6 millions that wins now are too many seeing his performance. Besides, if the ex of Valencia or of the Inter followed, the plan would be devolvere to the right, since in the left has not been at all fine.

The culés expect that the City, that does not want to to the carrilero in the staff of the next campaign, facilitate his loan another year more. Nevertheless, the 'citizens' want to do box with him, by what could try convince to the footballer that it accept any of the proposals that go to arrive of Saudi Arabia, that economically go to be very substantial. Therefore, so that the '2' play in the new Camp Nou will have to refuse any another ofrecimiento that it arrive him, tighten to the ones of Manchester so that they accept the conditions of the picture barcelonista and renounce to a greater percentage of his index card.

With Joao Félix could be simpler, since the own Athletic, through Enrique Cerezo, his president, already has taken for granted that the Portuguese will be still in the Barcelona. The rojiblancos do not want him neither see appear by the Metropolitan, and although the aim would be to sell him by an important quantity, is little likely that some team do some offer mareante by him. The attacker, besides, has left clear equal that Cancel that it wants to be still in the City Condal, by what if the Madrilenian do not ask money by his loan, he follows accepting earn so little like this course, and also understands that it will split like acting, will be able to follow.

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