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Barça will not have to give up Gavi to register Vitor Roque

Published:5/12/2023 - 18:51h

Updated:5/12/2023 - 18:51h

To register Vitor Roque, FC Barcelona will only have to prove to La Liga that Gavi's injury lasts more than five months. The culés have several free chips and therefore it will not be necessary to release the Andalusian

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Vitor Roque Will be player of the FC Barcelona from 1 January and will be the first and surely only wintry reinforcement of the culés. The arrival of the Brazilian already is confirmed by Deco, by the own Athletico Paranaense, that sacked of the footballer recently, and by the own goleador, that this past Sunday commanded a felt message of goodbye to all his fans.

Luckily for the Barça, to do him index card to the attacker will not do lacking to leave to Gavi without her. The Catalan picture finds at present with 20 of 25 busy index cards of the first team, remaining free 5 of them. What himself result fundamental is that the club accredit that the Andalusian goes to be 'KO' more than five months so that the one of Brazil occupy one of the five remaining squares.

Stir by the situation of Gavi from January

It is necessary to remember that Gavi sige being a subject of discussion between LaLiga and the Barcelona. The Barcelona inscribed with a new agreement of the first team to the Andalusian in January of this year, but from the patronal impugned it and left without effect this renewal. The one of The Palaces, therefore, kept on being footballer of the filial until in the past month of June the National High Court decided to give him the reason to the Catalan club, that could inscribe at last to the '6' as footballer of the first staff.

Nevertheless, still there is not at all decided, since the alone Court accepted the measures cautelares that asked the Barça. It will not be until the final resolution of the trial when it clear if the team barcelonista has reason in this litigio. For the moment, there is not a concrete date for this trial, by what in Barcelona only have to concern to close the arrival of Roque and support to Gavi with his recovery.

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