Ansu Fati partido5


Barça's date to decide what to do with Ansu Fati

Published:2/04/2024 - 15:48h

Updated:3/04/2024 - 11:31h

Ansu Fati is a footballer who has seen his career take a turn in the script that no one expected, and that trend seems to continue with Barça's indecision regarding his future

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Ansu Fati Expects to return to the FC Barcelona on 1 July 2024, just a day after it finish his cession to the Brighton, club in which it has had the 'protection' of Roberto of Zerbi, trainer that also is in diary of the Barcelona team if finally Xavi Hernández decides not continuing when finalising the current season. However, it has had little participation, partly, by a new muscular injury that suffered in November.

Probably thus, the Catalan team still does not know really which will be the next step to give with the extreme, the one who in fact is the current '10' of the Barça, at least regarding dorsal refers . Ansu Has agreement until 2027 and a current value of market of 'alone' 30 million euros by what all would indicate that return to the City Condal would be the decision more 'obvious', but the reality is another.

There is not a clear prognosis for Ansu Fati

Like this it signalled it the journalist Fabrizio Romano in his official channels, signalled that in Can Barça think that will not take a definite posture on Ansu Fati at least until they finish the seasons in LaLiga and the Premier League. This leaves a stage in which the international Spanish will have to take holidays in June without really know where could play the next season, and even all could extend until July, explained Roman.

A big part of the future of Ansu could depend on Of Zerbi, the one who to continue in the Brighton surely would try a new cession, further of the likely wish of the Barça to sell to the forward already of definite way, in his idea to generate income this summer. The same could suceder if the Italian trainer arrived to the Barça, betting -in contrary sense- for remaining with the canterano Barcelona, at least until 2025.

But further of these two possible stages, Of Zerbi does not go to mark the planning of the Barça, more still taking into account that after having him given freedom like mediapunta to the start of the season, after the return of Ansu in February of his injury, almost has not explained. Tanto Is so Fati did not go out of the bench in the defeat of the Brighton in front of the Liverpool (2-1) the Sunday, still when had the need to look for at least the tie in Anfield.

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