Pablo Moreno, forward of the City, celebrating a goal with the inferior of Spain


Barça wanted to include Pablo Moreno in the barter of Arthur and Pjanic

Published:28/06/2020 - 16:56h

Updated:29/06/2020 - 17:47h

FC Barcelona wanted to get more out of the Arthur-Pjanic barter and tried to negotiate the return of Pablo Moreno, who went to Juventus in 2018 from La Masia. But the Catalans could not convince either Juve or the tip, who has ended up going to City

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona and the Juventus of Turín will announce in the next hours the exchange between Miralem Pjanic, that will finish in the Barça, and Arthur Melo, that will put course to the Juve. In addition to to the bosnio, the 'Vecchia Signora' will pay 10 million euros more to do with the Brazilian. Although the fans barcelonista in his majority does not approve the traspaso, the club carries time looking for it and seems that it will remain very satisfied.

The Barcelona will do with a midfield player of a lot of level that carries years between the best of Europe in his place. Never it has had the recognition of other means like Sergio Busquets, Toni Kroos, Luka Modric or Paul Pogba, but is a jugadorazo that will give him a lot to this Barcelona. It arrives with 30 years to the Camp Nou in full sportive maturity and expects that it was important from his first day in the City Condal.

The negotiation for ficharle has been simple, since the Juve was loved with the barter, but the culés wanted to take out something more than to the Balkan. In 'Sportive World' signal that that something has name and surname and called Pablo Moreno, ex tip of the Barça. Andl young goleador of so alone 18 years arrived to the Masia in 2013 and decided to leave in 2018 to put course to the team bianconero, where carries since.

But the grenadian has not finished to settle in Turín and saw with good eyes a change of airs. The Juve also was had to do box with him and the Barcelona saw an opportunity of gold to bring it ofturn . Pablo was considered when it went one of the big jewels of the Masia and in the club were wishing to retell with him. Nevertheless, it seems that the footballer did not finish to see clear this return and this possibility went to rack and ruin.

Besides, Juve and Barça finish deciding that the best was to do a simple exchange between Pjanic and Arthur and complete the operation with 10 'kilos' more for the Catalans. This has finish deriving in that Pablo negotiated with other clubs and finish giving his "himself" to the Manchester City. In the newspaper 'MARK' ensure that the traspaso is enclosed and that the 'cityzens' will pay 10 millions to the Juventus to do with his services.

Pablo has wanted to go to the City of Guardiola

With the majority of age recently fulfilled, the Andalusian has a lot of future by in front and could finish to explode in the Premier League. Probably Pep Guardiola have had a lot that see so that it take this decision, since the safe Catalan that will know it of his stage in the Barcelona. Who know if the one of Santpedor will not do it debut this same pre-season or when it begin the next course.

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