Ousmane Dembélé en el Barça Valladolid


Barça will seek to shield Dembélé for fear of his juicy clause

Published:30/09/2022 - 09:13h

Updated:30/09/2022 - 13:06h

New information ensures that Barça would already be working on the renewal offer for Ousmane Dembélé to shield him within the institution for the future

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona had a market veraniego very moved full of altibajos that put in aprietos to the sportive direction. In addition to the negotiations with other clubs like the Leeds United, Seville and Bayern Munich, also there were internal conversations to retain to those key footballers for the sportive project of Xavi Hernández.

One of them was Ousmane Dembélé, the one who arrived to the window estival like free agent with the freedom to be able to sign with any another team. In spite of this, the French always had the will to remain in Barcelona without mattering the multiple rumours that linked him with other clubs, by what decided to remain accepting a cut salarial in pro to help to the institution with the Fair Play financial.

Like this the things, the attacker gave the seen well renewing until 2024 and turning into one of the protagonists in the alignments of Xavi in what it goes of season. His performance has been so determinant in the good present sportive of the Barça that from the cúpula of the entity would be thinking in extending his bond the before possible of face to the future.

Like this it has it desvelado the newspaper 'Sportive World', the one who ensures that the Barcelona group wants to tie the renewal of the 'Mosquito' because of the high assessment that has him so much the Managerial Board like the technical body. Besides, also they understand that it is necessary to increase the clause of 50 million euros that priced in August, since it could tempt to the big clubs of Europe to move index card by him.

Dembélé Has it clear

The same newspaper also affirms that the own player already has knowledge on the will of the Barcelona and that would be had to listen the offer that will put on his table. At present 'Dembouz' is one of the extremes with better one against one and of which more assistances deliver, by what his economic requirements could shoot if it continues concretising good performances. It will be necessary to see which is the proposal culé to armour to one of his more important players.

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