'Bargain' Dybala! The 'crack' offers himself to Barça as a 'low cost' signing for the summer

Published:6/03/2024 - 13:17h

Updated:7/03/2024 - 01:47h

Paulo Dybala is one of the big 'bargains' of the next summer market and wants to play in Spain. The Argentine, who would leave Roma for less than 15 million, would have offered himself to Barça, who will take this alternative into account

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Paulo Dybala is one of the big 'bargains' of this next market of summer. The Argentinian has a clause of exit of the Rome of alone 12 million euros for the clubs of out of Italy and another of 15 for the Italian teams. This price is a 'gift' for any one taking into account that the 'Jewel' is 'crack' recognised that from his arrival to the Italian capital has 'renacido'. Although it already has 30 years, is in a big moment of form and the feeling is that it still has football of elite in his boots for at least three or four seasons more.

The 12 'kilos' that costs ficharle are a catchword for any one and in the Premier League conjoint like the West Ham already have asked after he, but the one of Long Lagoon seems that it prioritises to play in LaLiga. The mediapunta always has seen attracted by Spain and in the newspaper 'SPORT' ensure that his surroundings already would have contacted with the FC Barcelona to offer . The Barcelona, although in principle they did not have it like somebody in the list of options, go to think the option of ficharle, since to this price could cost a lot the pensa.

Besides, the picture barcelonista understands that to level salarial also would be easy to fit him in the current structure of the staff, since Paulo went down the wage when I leave the Juventus by the Rome. On the other hand to level futbolístico would be an incorporation 'top' that would contribute experience, leadership in attack, goal, magic in three chambers of field and last pass, all qualities that to this Barça could come him of 'perlas' for the campaign that comes.

Sell to Raphinha for fichar to Dybala?

The doubts of the culés, that have them, come especially by his lace in the field. Dybala Moves always in the mediapunta escorado to the right or directly in the right-handed like extreme to throw diagonals to his left-handed. This is a 'problem', since like attacker in this band in the Barça now already are Raphinha and Lamine Yamal. Fichar To the Argentinian would suppose to have to give exit yes or yes to the Brazilian to fit all the pieces and the roles, leaving to the ex juventino like competition of the young canterano. To the thread of this, undo of the international 'canarinho' by the albiceleste would not be bad business, since one would cost 12, whereas the another could leave in box between 50 and 60 like minimum.

It will be necessary to see if the Barcelona finish deciding promote this operation or no, since although it interests, is not a priority. In the meantime, the one of Long Lagoon will try to convince to the culés in the distance marking more goals, giving more assistances and showing that it is a star that could give a lot in the new project barcelonista. Up to now, this course adds 13 so many and 7 passes in total in alone 26 parties, since it has lost 8 by injury.

Precisely regarding the physical problems refers , something that in the past has caused him a lot of problems, also has to show that it has left them backwards and that will not be an against in case that the blaugrana decide to go to by him. If physically it is to tope, with his quality and with the ease that has to do figures would be an incorporation 'top' by this money. However, the decision will depend of the new trainer and of what look for Laporta and Deco in the market.

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