The board of agustí benedito handles to a player of an alike profile

Benedito: "Burn Turan is not inside our plans"

Benedito: "Burn Turan is not inside our plans"

Published:5/07/2015 - 17:56h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

One of the candidates in firm to the elections to the presidency of the FC Barcelona, Agustí Benedito, has ensured "Burn Turan is a player that is not inside our forecasts", although tantean to a player of a similar profile in case they go out chosen

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In just carry# out statements after presenting 3.834 signatures in the Auditori 1899 of the Camp Nou, one of the most supported candidates of face to the presidential elections of the FC Barcelona, Agustí Benedito, answered to some questions and left clear that no fichará to Burn Turan in the case that his managerial board result winning finally in the votes of 18 July.

"Burn Turan is a player that is not inside our forecasts", has commented, adding likewise that are thinking "in a player of a similar position but no in him", since it would not be a relief of big similarity for Xavi Hernández if no rather for Andrés Iniesta to half term. Benedito, besides, has left to glimpse that the requests of the trainer, Luis Enrique, will contemplate but for nothing will take like definite in the case that they access to the Barcelona throne.

"If it has asked it Luis Enrique (to Burn Turan) seems me well, but Luis Enrique is an executive of the club and can not do depend the heritage of the club of an executive". Benedito, in this sense, is at variance regarding the possibility that the managing board do official the signing of the Turkish player. "They have asked me in the managing commission that seemed me the signing of Burn and have said them that it seemed me badly and that if they do it was a deslealtad to the club".

In relation to the 3.834 signatures achieved of face to the elections, Benedito ensures that "we have achieved to show that this is not a thing of two". In any case, Bartomeu and Laporta keep on being the big candidates to do with the presidency of the club.

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