Xavi Hernández: Entrena al FC Barcelona desde noviembre de 2021


The big problem for Barça to sign a right back

Published:7/12/2022 - 17:44h

Updated:7/12/2022 - 21:20h

Barça and Xavi have the main objective of reinforcing the right side of the team. However, the problems with LaLiga and the financial 'fair play' make the operation too difficult

Calendar of FC Barcelona

To little more than a month for the opening of the market of wintry signings, in the dispatches of the FC Barcelona already have put hands to the work to reinforce the staff of Xavi Hernández. In spite of that the walk of the square blaugrana in LaLiga Santander has been 'almost' perfect and achieved the leadership before the stop mundialista, the early and unexpected elimination of the Champions League has woken up the need of apuntalar some positions that saw very exposed in the continental tournament.

Like this then , all the rumours and informations aimed that the need of the Catalan entity went through to hire to the substitute of Sergio Busquets in the half of the field, since the legendary culé was one of the main signalled of the 'varapalo' international and of the defeat in the Classical. However, so much the egarense like his technical body think that the reinforcement of the defence of the team has greater importance, by what these have done him know to the club that the priority is to incorporate to a new right side.

The technical direction of the Barça considers that the staff is extremely unbalanced in this demarcation. In spite of that Héctor Bellerín arrived like signing of last hour to cover this zone of the field, the provision of the ex footballer of the Arsenal have not covered the needs of the team. With agreement until 2023 (to the equal that Sergi Roberto), from the club have decided to not to renew him, by what has generated the urgency to look for to a side of guarantees.

However, the economy of the institution is the big obstacle of this operation. LaLiga Already has warned to the Barça that will not accept more crowbars and that his 'fair play' will go back to the rule of the 1/4 (to tackle a signing of 25 'kilos', the entity has to free mass salarial by value of 100 millions, for example). Besides, to this it is necessary to add him the enormous mass salarial that from the dispatches of the Camp Nou work in reducing. Thus, in spite of that Xavi 'presiona', the numbers would prevent to assume this signing

The candidates

Further of the difficulties that represents the arrival of new reinforcements to the City Condal, the name of Juan Foyth has gone back has to appear like the main candidate of Xavi to occupy the right-handed lane. The footballer was in the radar blaugrana during the past window veraniega, but an injury in the knee and the high pretences of the Villarreal prevented his arrival to the Spotify Camp Nou. Now, the trainer would go back to insist in his contracting, although it will be simple.

Of the same way, Diogo Dalot presents like the 'plan B' of the club, but seems difficult that, with the duel in front of the Manchester United by the Europe League in the horizon, the 'network devils' access to traspasarle to the Barça. Equally, the option of Meunier follows being present in the Barcelona table, but the interest of clubs like the Juventus, the Milan and the same United suppose a setback for the entity culé, that will have to put in order his finances before launching to by new aims.

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