Sterling celebrates a goal with the City


Joan Laporta's 'bomb' for Barça could be Sterling

Published:8/06/2021 - 15:15h

Updated:8/06/2021 - 19:58h

FC Barcelona could be thinking of signing a great star and Raheem Sterling could be the chosen one. As pointed out in Italy, the Englishman could be a serious candidate to reinforce Barça this summer

Calendar of FC Barcelona

As it has explained this Tuesday the newspaper 'Sport', the FC Barcelona could be thinking in fichar to a big crashes this summer. Although Joan Laporta has left clear several times that goes to be an austere market in which only they arrive players free or to very good price, the mentioned half Catalan affirms that the culés plan to allocate what collect in the 'operation gone out' in a big signing.

In this sense, Erling Haaland​ would be the favourite of the president, that thinks in him from before his turn to the charge. The Norwegian already was one of the players more apetecibles of the market the past summer, but his impressive performances in this Champions League have done him happen to the following level. In addition to the Barça, the Real Madrid​​​ and Chelsea already are calling to his door, by what there will be a hard bidding by him.

Besides, in 'Sport' aim that Lautaro Martínez could be the 'Plan B' of the Barcelona, that would go to by the Argentinian in case of not being able to fichar to the vikingo. However, Matteo Moretto, journalist of 'Sky Sport', has another information and signals that the 'bombazo' of the Barça could play in the Manchester City. It treats of Raheem Sterling, that could go out of the Etihad and that would be in the diary of the maximum mandator barcelonista.

The English would be tired of not being indisputable for Pep Guardiola, that is used to rotarle with Riyad Mahrez, Ferran Torres, Phil Foden or Bernardo Silva. The competition in the two extremes of the City is tremenda and the Catalan would have left him clear to Sterling that it can not promise him play always. Thus, the British could see with good eyes an exit and his own club could open him the door in case to arrive a good offer by him.

Sterling, a signing complicated but no impossible

The journalist of 'Sky Sport' affirms that it would be a very complex operation for the Barça by the economic factor, but that there would be options to carry out it including players like coins of change. "It is a very complicated business and the club of Laporta would have to put players in the half to recess the costs of the operation", commented, referring to the 90 million euros that could cost the forward.

Sergi Roberto is a player that likes a lot to Guardiola and that it could go in in the barter, although they would do fault more footballers so that the traspaso was viable. It can that Ousmane Dembélé interest to the Catalan trainer like replacement of the own Sterling, although in England aim that the two big aims of the of Santpedor are Harry Kane and Jack Grealish.

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