Robert Lewandowski celebrates a goal with the Bayern


Bomb Lewandowski: The '9' wants to leave Bayern and gets a shot from Barça

Published:16/03/2022 - 14:24h

Updated:16/03/2022 - 14:24h

Despite the fact that Robert Lewandowski ends his relationship with Bayern Munich in June 2023, the Pole would be considering leaving the institution this summer if he does not reach a renewal agreement

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Robert Lewandowski has been one of the best forwards of the last years. His capacity goleadora position him like the attacker more 'lethal' of the actuality, and his 43 annotations in the 36 parties that accumulates during this campaign back him. It is thus that any eventuality with his stay in the Bayern of Munich could alter the market of signings.

With 33 years, keeps a bond with the Bavarian entity from 2014 and a valid agreement until 2023. However, and in spite of having an average of goal each 73 minutes, has not received any news on some proposal by part of the club that guarantee him his stay in Germany after the next year. This has done that his future open , and seems that the '9' already is taking letters in the subject.

As it informs the journalist Fabrizio Romano, Lewandowski would have taken the decision to abandon to the Bayern when finalising the season if it does not receive a proposal of renewal. "New agreement in the summer or Robert Lewandowski will be prepared to leave the Bayern immediately, even if his current agreement expires in 2023", ensured the expert in market of signings.

Besides, it does some weeks added that the conversations between his representatives and the conjoint Teutonic were non-existent. Now, it seems that the postures keep exactly equal. "The situation has not changed. Still there are not conversations between club and his agents. Everything depends of the Bayern now", affirmed Roman through his account of Twitter.

Real option?

In spite of finding in the final stage of his career, the Pole keeps a rhythm arrollador and does not seem to have brake. In case that it decide to abandon the country germano, the Barça will have to move index card by a footballer that perceives almost 20 million annual euros. This means that it will have to assume the last year of his agreement, and do him a new proposal that surely will be of short length to the drop. Everything will depend on his disposal and his aims.

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