Mohamed Salah, during a commitment with the Liverpool


BOMB: Mohamed Salah can star the signing of the year!

Published:13/02/2019 - 00:59h

Updated:13/02/2019 - 01:02h

From diverse sources ensure that one of the big clubs of Europe, the Juventus of Turín, is very interested in doing with the services of the big star of the Liverpool, Mohamed Salah, of face to this next market estival

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Mohamed Salah is the big star of the Liverpool, and whenever it has asked after him the speculations about his possible course of Anfield Road has left clear that is to taste with the T-shirt 'network', and that for now does not think in changing of airs. From 'Sky Sports Arabia', however, ensure that the Juventus of Turín is had to struggle by his signing this next summer.

The quoted media signals that the 'Vecchia Signora' could launch an offer of 175 million pounds to convince to the Liverpool of the traspaso of the Egyptian star, the one who to day of today is his big reference in the front of attack beside Roberto Firmino and Sadio Mané. The team led by Cristiano Ronaldo wants to conquer all the titles of face to the next season, and knows that for this will need to the best.

From the Juventus believe, besides, that Mohamed Salah would adapt well to the group 'bianconeri' when having experience already in the Series To, after having played in the Fiorentina and afterwards in the Rome, after desvincularse of Chelsea that it did not know to appreciate the talent that hid in his boots. Cristiano Ronaldo would be loved to share changing room with Mohamed Salah, and the Italian team could work seriously in the operation.

To turn into it reality, the Juventus would be had even to traspasar to Paulo Dybala, the one who has had varied brush in the last times with his current trainer, Massimiliano Allegri, and could accept a change of airs to leave around a hundred of millions in the arks 'bianconeri' after recalar in some big club of Europe, possibly of the Premier League.

The Liverpool does not want to give off of Salah

The informations on the supposed interest of the Juventus in Mohamed Salah, in any case, have to take with pinzas. To day of today is unlikely that the Liverpool accept to give off of the Egyptian player, and neither would have economic urgencies neither sportive as to do it. The 'reds' have achieved to grow until turning into one of the best clubs of the big European leagues, and want to that it keep on being like this.

For this, will be important to keep the competitive level with players like Philippe Coutinho in the staff, under the control of Jürgen Klopp. To the German technician, sure, would not like him at all lose to his big reference of attack, unless said loss went countered by the arrival of another big player. It would be complicated, this yes, equalise the level of Mohamed Salah...

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