Nelson Semedo, during a party with the Benfica this season


BOMB: Offer of the Barcelona for fichar to Nelson Semedo

Published:12/07/2017 - 11:23h

Updated:13/07/2017 - 21:49h

From Portugal speak of an offer of the FC Barcelona by value of 30 million euros to do with the signing of Nelson Semedo, the one who to day of today would be the most interesting alternative to Héctor Bellerín. The luso, also in the diary of the United

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Little time would have taken in reacting the FC Barcelona after descartar the signing of Héctor Bellerín. From Portugal ensure that the Barcelona group would have launched already a formal proposal of 30 million euros to do with the incorporation of Nelson Semedo, a player that already was linked does some weeks to the entity culé, and that is also in the diary of other big clubs of Europe.

To his 23 years, Semedo is international with Portugal and indisputable headline with the Benfica. Cuajó An excellent season the past course and would be one of the pretences of José Mourinho to continue reinforcing to the Manchester United.

The FC Barcelona, therefore, would be trying close, according to the newspaper "Record", the signing of Nelson Semedo what before to avoid of this way that the Portuguese right side escape him also of the orbit.

Up to now Héctor Bellerín had been always the first option of the Barça, but after a period of intentonas without advances the Barcelona would have taken the decision of descartar the signing, that to day of today seems impossible, since the one of Calella neither is had to declare in rebeldía neither to presionar more than the been due to a club with which renewed seven months ago.

Nelson Semedo, main alternative of the Barça

In this coyuntura, Semedo would be the main alternative that would be valuing now the Barcelona to reinforce the right side, in which for the time being so only Aleix Vidal and Sergi Palencia constitute like options for the first team, since Sergi Roberto will return to the centre of the field.

From "MD" informs that the technical secretary of the FC Barcelona, Robert Fernández, already would have put in contact so much with the Benfica as with Nelson Semedo to board negotiations by his traspaso to the group trained by Ernesto Valverde, the one who also would agree in the arrival of the young Portuguese talent. The Barça of Valverde, by the way, sets up this same Wednesday.

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