Burdisso: "With luis enrique finish very tired"

Burdisso: "With Luis Enrique finish very tired"

Burdisso: "With Luis Enrique finish very tired"

Published:8/05/2014 - 14:49h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

The one who was to the orders of Luis Enrique during the stage in that both coincided in the Rome, Nicolás Burdisso, has explained in an interview how was his experience at the side of the Asturian technician. "We learnt many of his concepts and go out reinforced"

In an interview conceded to the "Chain COPE", Nicolás Burdisso, has stood out the main qualities of Luis Enrique explaining how was the stage in which both coincided in the Rome. "It was an only experience be in the Rome with Luis Enrique. It was a beautiful surprise by all what learnt and by his charisma further of the result that had, is a big person", has signalled the international Argentinian, now in the rows of the Génova.

"We learnt a lot of his concepts and go out reinforced like footballers and like people", highlights Burdisso, that has confirmed the big physical requirement that asks the Asturian technician to his players and his strong character. "We happen us 2 hours in the field doing exercises, finish very tired because it demanded to the maximum, had a lot character and wanted to that all gave the best of us".

Also it has spoken of the peculiar relation that kept Luis Enrique with the star of the team "giallorosso", Francesco Totti. "The history with Totti finished very well. Luis Enrique pretended much more of the star of the team and Totti assimilated it very well and therefore it finish playing all the parties". And it stands out: "Luis Enrique is a born winner. A ready trainer to change what do lacking".

Puyol, assistant of Luis Enrique in the Barça?

As it advanced "Sport" days backwards, Luis Enrique would wish that the current captain of the FC Barcelona, Carles Puyol, was his assistant the next season. The Asturian wants to take advantage of the immense knowledge of the changing room and his winning character to carry out the remodeling that needs the team. 

Although for the moment only it is a proposal, if finally Puyol decides to hang the boots could accept and incorporate to the staff technical of the Barça. Besides, Luis Enrique has intention to bring to Barcelona to his current second in the Celtic, the ex goalkeeper of the Barça Juan Carlos Unzué.

Carlos Domínguez
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