Can the Premier League 'steal' Kylian Mbappé from Real Madrid?

Published:17/02/2024 - 11:27h

Updated:18/02/2024 - 02:46h

The Premier League seems to be the only viable alternative for Mbappé not to play for Madrid. However, only four teams can dream of signing him and of them only one seems to have real options to convince him

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After knowing the intentions of Kylian Mbappé to leave Paris Saint-Germain to final of season, everything aims that it will finish in the Real Madrid. Although almost all the journalists ensure that the French has not signed still by the white picture, all take for granted that it is question of time that do it. However, also it says that the surroundings of the player, led by his mother, is tightening a lot to Florentino Pérez with the wage and thepremium . Fayza Lamari Wants to earn enough more than what the merengues want to pay and this could delay or even complicate the final agreement.

By this only doubt that leaves the negotiation is by what there is the one who asks if the Premier League still has not said his last word with the attacker. Remaining free, the one of Bondy is a 'gift' for any one that can pay him and if it does not agree his signing by the Madrid soon perhaps somebody in England try to go to by him. Nevertheless, taking into account that the own footballer has recognised in several occasions that his dream of boy always was to play in Santiago Bernabéu, the options that rechaze to the merengues by an economic question reduce .

But as in the football there is not at all writing and in this eternal serial with Mbappé still less, it is necessary to explain which English teams could face up to this operation, who could result appeal to sportive level for the player and who for real could finish fichándole. At first, Tottenham, by a question of status and money, and Newcastle and Chelsea, that have serious problems with the Fair Play and that even could have to sell to one or to several stars to fulfil it, remain descartados in this bidding.

City, United, Arsenal and Liverpool, options something more 'real'

They would remain in the 'fight' therefore Manchester United, City, Arsenal and Liverpool. Beginning by the 'network devils', they yes would have money and margin to face the signing, but deportivamente are a disaster and hardly attract to the 'crack'. The ones of Have Hag do not win a Premier from ten years ago, a Champions from does 15 and on have the clasifiación for the League of difficult Champions, since right now they are to 6 points of the classified chamber, that is the Tottenham. To his favour is that Cristiano Ronaldo, big idol of the 'Turtle', did big in Old Trafford, but taking into account that it goes of the PSG because it wants to win the Glass of Europe, still like this seems impossible that have some option with him.

The City, instead, deportivamente is the best option that would have Mbappé, like minimum to the same height that the Madrid. The 'citizens' already won the 'Orejona' the past course and are favourite to win it this also, something that gives them points. Against of the ones of celestial is that have a pending trial for having committed purportedly 115 financial crimes, and thus they could have sanctions economicas and sportive grave, can to remain without playing European competitions or even to descend. The presence of Erling Haaland, that could compete with Kylian by the next Balloons and Boots of Gold, neither helps, since it could opacarle of some way. By all this, does difficult think that go to put in this 'career'.

The Arsenal, according to Mikel Arteta, his trainer, yes is slope of the French star. Nevertheless, economically the 'gunners' does not seem that they can face this operation, at least no without doing exceptions. Havertz And Saka, those that more win right now, are on the 7-8 million net euros, lejísimos of the surely no less than 30/35 that would ask the Frenchman. Besides, deportivamente, although they are a big team that is in heave, never have raised the Champions, that is the big aim of the Parisian, something that to his eyes subtracts him a lot of options definitely.

The Liverpool, the only that seems able to convince to Mbappé

Finally, it is the Liverpool, that is the team of the infancy of Kylian beside the Madrid. By a sentimental question seems to have more options that anybody to convince him, although neither it goes it to have easy. First it is by a question of money, since the highest wage of the 'reds' is the one of Mo Salah, that is on the 10 'kilos' net annual. Selling to the Egyptian, by which in Arabia offered more than 150 millions, yes could pay him a substantial premium of signing to Mbappé to convince him, but still like this tendrian that pay him also probably more than the double of what wins of wage the African, something that by his form to work does not seem simple. The owners of the picture 'network' never have paid so much and is difficult to think that go to do it. In the sportive, is a good team, but without Jürgen Klopp, that goes this summer, is an incógnita know if his relief will be to his height and how will compete the players without the germano.

In summary, the only that seems to have options more or less real of fichar to the of Bondy seems that it is the Liverpool, but still like this does not seem at all easy that occur. The Real Madrid, in addition to the sentimental question that contribute him the 'reds', gives him a better sportive project and more stable for having already a trainer ensured, and economically, unless the ones of Anfield jumped his 'rules', can offer him an upper wage, since they have paid it previously in cases like the one of Cristiano Ronaldo, that won some 25 net. The big favourite in this 'career' are the madridistas, that except surprise ficharán in the next months to the that for many is the best of the world.

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