Marcos Alonso on the bench


Change of strategy? The Fair Play conditions Barça with the left center

Published:4/03/2023 - 09:53h

Updated:4/03/2023 - 12:43h

The limitations of LaLiga in terms of financial Fair Play have made Barça think twice about incorporating a new central defender next summer

Calendar of FC Barcelona

For anybody is a secret that the FC Barcelona has in his diary to several footballers that can reinforce some positions inside the team. The right side is a need to the equal that the pivote, more still if Sergio Busquets finishes changing of airs during the summer. However, also it is in the air the incorporation of a central left, something that Xavi Hernández has had in mind since it arrived to the bench.

For the technician is important to handle the two profiles inside the saga but for the moment does not have any left-handed player that of course work in the position. It is thus that the name that has added integers is the one of iñigo Martínez, the one who will remain free of agreement in July and already has kept contacts with the Barça to the point to have a principle of agreement agreed to.

However, the sportive direction is thinking twice his signing due to the fact that the Fair Play financial of LaLiga complicates to a large extent his arrival. The Basque would want an upper wage to the that perceives in Bilbao and is something that in the dispatches is evaluating by the subject of the limit salarial. Although there is understanding that his contracting would be very important for the plantel, the true is that also they study other alternatives.

Already the Barcelona has had to extend the bonds with some footballers that already would have to have finished his cycle inside the club owing to the Fair Play. Sergi Roberto renewed by a year more thanks to his polivalencia whereas Busquets could keep until 2024 in case to accept the offer of continuity. By his part, Jordi Alba has a valid agreement by another campaign more but would not be descartado at all with regard to his future.

Options on the table

Like this the things, the Barcelona do not see with bad eyes that was Marcos Alonso the one who occupy this new demarcation because of the good feelings that is leaving like head office. Although his favourite position is by the left side, has adapted to perfection and is adding whole to alternate minutes with Andreas Christensen in the axis of the saga. The club extended his agreement until 2025 and nowadays is the first option that has the trainer for this sector.

In fact, the ex Chelsea would be above Eric García like fourth head office and would be the direct spare of the Danish when it can not be available by injury or technical decision. This leaves in the air the incorporation of Iñigo, more still after the recent interest of the Athletic Madrid in doing with his services. It will be necessary to see which sucede during the market and how advances what subtracts of the season for the culés.

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