Marcos Alonso and Cesar Azpilicueta


Chelsea puts a price on the departures of Alonso and Azpilicueta

Published:3/07/2022 - 11:51h

Updated:3/07/2022 - 17:27h

Barça wants to continue 'fishing' at Chelsea and would have Marcos Alonso and César Azpilicueta as the main targets for the full-backs. However, the 'blues' are not going to 'give' them away and will ask for a figure of around 20 'kilos'

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona schedules a summer 'moved' regarding signings refers . From the offices of the Camp Nou are conscious that they need to reinforce diverse positions of the square of Xavi Hernández to go back to be candidates to everything during the next season. In spite of that the economy of the institution goes through a moment 'delicate', the 'crowbars' give him a bit of 'air' to the Catalans to go in to the market and will try to close several contractings to a low price that ensure a good performance of immediate form.

Some of the demarcations that expect to modify the Barcelona are both sides. Xavi Hernández does not have a pair of options of absolute guarantee in these zones of the field, since by the right-handed band the only active of 'confidence' for the egarense is Sergiño Dest, whereas in the left-handed lane Jordi Alba does not have a natural spare. By this reason, from Can Barça are in research of two defenders of good level that can occupy the two positions.

Azpilicueta Would be the elected by the directive to reinforce the right band of the team. So much the club like Xavi Hernández have a high assessment of the defender, since they consider that it would be a player that would contribute experience, leadership and a lot of advantages regarding the game refers thanks to his polivalencia to improve the retaguardia culé. By his part, the Catalan square would have put to Alonso like favourite in the dispute by the left lane because of an economic reason, since his wage adapts to the present financial of the club.

However, to want to tackle his incorporations, the barcelonistas will have to 'rascarse' the pockets, since Chelsea will not leave them go out by any price. And it is that according to varied report, the 'blues' would be asking 20 million euros to access to traspasar to both sides. In the meantime, from London would be studying his options before seating to converse with the culés, by what the negotiations find 'parked' momentáneamente and from the surroundings of the players do not expect any novelty during this week, reason whereby these will begin, with almost all security, the pre-season with the 'pensionados'.

Uncertain futures

In spite of this, the future of the two footballers keeps on being a 'incógnita'. The international Spaniards already have a contractual agreement 'agreed to' with the Barça, but the change of property would be entorpeciendo both operations, especially the one of Azpilicueta. The captain 'blue' had pactada his exit with the ancient leadership, but the new owners would be showing reacios to give off of his leader, although any option is descartada. On the other hand, the traspaso of Alonso is more feasible and would be slope of the will of the two clubs.


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