Harry Kane gives an indication in a party


City puts the direct with Harry Kane and offers 100 'kilos' for him

Published:2/01/2021 - 20:23h

Updated:2/01/2021 - 20:23h

In England they say that Manchester City has offered Tottenham 100 million euros for Harry Kane. Pep Guardiola wants the scorer as he is and will try to take advantage of the delicate economic situation of the 'spurs'

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Harry Kane is one of the best forwards of the world from does already several years. In concrete, this season the English surely was being the more complete and decisive attacker of the continent. Although Robert Lewandowski (20) carry more goals that he and Erling Haaland add the same (17), the British adds to these 17 so many a total of 14 assistances that carry him to be in another dimension.

These last years, perhaps alone Leo Messi have been able to be of the best so much in targets as in passes of goal. By this reason is so important to stand out this statistics that leaves clear that Kane is much more that a 'killer'. By this reason, Pep Guardiola would be obsessed with him and would want to that it went his '9' headline of face to the next season.

According to the newspaper 'Sport Bild', the Manchester City already would be moving index card to do with the tip and would be had to pay some 100 million euros by him. An offer more than substantial that would arrive in full pandemia, with all what this means in these moments. This quantity right now is prohibitiva for almost any club, but the 'cityzens' want to do this outlay by the English.

Besides, it is necessary to stand out that some sources indicate that the Tottenham has economic problems arisen as a result of the pandemia. This would be what could give options to the City to do with the services of Kane that right now it is surely in the best moment of his career. The 'spur' is being the leader of the team of José Mourinho and is showing that there is very few able players to do what does he.

Nevertheless, in spite of these possible problems of money, the Tottenham always has been famous by not giving footballers and the normal is that it follow with this formula. Daniel Levy, his owner, is one of the hardest negotiators of Europe and does only one or two years was asking no less than 200 'kilos' by Kane. By this reason, would be odd that went down his pretences to the half in spite of the coronavirus.

The City needs a forward if the Kun goes

It will be necessary to see if the City decides to go up or no his offer, since the ones of Guardiola could need a '9' important if they do not renew to the Kun Agüero. The Argentinian finishes agreement in June of this 2021 and says that from Manchester have not tried to expand his links still. Kane would be his substitute, but by 100 millions will be tremendously complicated that the 'spurs' leave him leave.

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