Alexander Isak, during the Real Sociedad-Granada


Defined priority: Isak wants to play at the Camp Nou

Published:28/02/2022 - 12:17h

Updated:28/02/2022 - 15:57h

In England they reveal that Isak's main priority is landing at FC Barcelona for the 2022-2023 season and for this reason he would have rejected Arsenal's interest in Mikel Arteta

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The way of Isak and of the FC Barcelona can cross. It has been one of the players that the Barcelona picture has monitored from does some time, but his renewal with the Real Sociedad 'deprived' any opportunity of the culés in doing with his traspaso in the most recent windows of transfers. Recently, it has returned to the radar and could approach to the Camp Nou.

The Swedish forward is one of the alternatives that has the Barça in case of not achieving the signing of Erling Haaland. From the Barcelona dispatches handle good reports of the realistic player and no descarta his incorporation in the short term, especially poque he would have the play in the Camp Nou between his aims in the short term, as it has desvelado in England recently.

Play of Barcelona would be the big wish of the footballer of 22 years, although has offers on the table. From it does some days has informed of the interest of an Arsenal that would have done him arrive his proposal. The 'gunners' had positioned like the main candidate to do with the services of Isak, but the player would have refused any possibility.

The londinenses are in research of a '9' of quality to reinforce the leading dand Mikel Arteta of face to the season 2022-2023. In winter, achieved to advance negotiations with Dusa Vlahovic, but this finally finished leaving to the Juventus of Turín. The Arsenal wants to ensure a leading centre the sooner possible, conscious that to final of the present course could lose to Nkethia and Lacazette.

Isak Would want to play in the Barça

Between the plans of the Swedish forward are to play in the Camp Nou. That would be the wish that has transmitted to the Arsenal and the reason by which refused any approach. Nevertheless, it is an extremely complicated operation for the Barcelona, because it would involve a big outlay of money by a player that, in question, is not the plan To of the team on a long-term basis.

Isak Renewed the year happened with the Real Sociedad, with a bond that extends until 30 June 2026. Besides, the Basque group added a dangerous clause liberatoria of 90 million euros, an inaccessible figure for the Barça or the majority of teams in the actuality and that, in any case, will require several meetings with the Real.