Alex Collado and Pablo Torre


Are the outings continuing? Collado would have asked Barça for a new loan

Published:4/08/2022 - 13:37h

Updated:4/08/2022 - 13:40h

Álex Collado, one of the footballers who joined Barça's discipline this preseason, would have told Xavi Hernández that his wish is to go out in search of minutes

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Xavi Hernández already has in mind with which players will explain in his sportive project of face to the next season. The new incorporations have given him a total twist to the dynamics of game, reinforcing each one of the sectors of the staff. However, there are some players that still are in the 'limbo' and do not have very clear cual will be his role in the team.

Frenkie Of Jong and Memphis of Depay are two of them. The Dutch like a lot to the trainer but the sportive direction wants to work in his exits, so much to free mass salarial as for ingresar near of 100 million euros in his sales. Nevertheless, in spite of that both wish to continue in Catalonia, seems that a new name has joined them , this time with the wish typical of 'change of airs'.

This would be Álex Hill, one of the midfield player that returned to the club after a cession in the Granada where left very good feelings. The one of Sabadell does not see like protagonist in this 'new' Barça, by what would be had to go out again before the start of the season. "Álex Hill could leave Barcelona in the next days. The mediocentro Spanish asked him to Xavi leave the club to have possibilities to play", affirmed the journalist Fabrizio Romano through his social networks.

The specialist in market of signings also remembers that the canterano finish to extend his agreement until the summer of 2024, what allows him to the Barcelona can find him a new destination like yielded without risk to lose him in the next window estival.

Invisible in the pre-season

Hill contested 45' minutes in front of the Olot in the first friendly commitment of the pre-season and other 10' more in front of the Inter of Miami, when the commitment already was defined. In front of the Juventus went in in replacement of Ansu Fati to the 77' of the second time whereas it was absent in front of the Real Madrid and the New York Network Bull. His participation was of more to less, leaving clear that his minutes will be very reduced in a Barça that still has not closed the door to new incorporaciones.

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