Todibo partido Niza


'Lever' for Barça: Jean-Clair Todibo's future begins to 'clarify'

Published:7/04/2024 - 21:03h

Updated:7/04/2024 - 21:03h

Everything seems to indicate that Nice will not be able to retain Jean-Clair Todibo for long and that, during this summer, he could pack his bags. FC Barcelona waits attentively to 'benefit' financially

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The future of Jean-Clair Todibo is not in Nice. Everything seems to indicate to that will abandon the team in what it finish the season and the FC Barcelona is very attentive to what can happen, place can benefit economically by the clause that included in his agreement when they sold him in 2021 by 'alone' 8,5 million euros. It is a business 'round' for the Catalans.

The takeoff of the central of 24 years in this season has been total. It has turned into one of the most important pieces of the group trained by Francesco Farioli that keeps in the fifth position of Tie it 1 and that has turned into the team less goleado of the championship, with alone 22 goals against, by in front of the Brest (23) and PSG (24).

Although it is an indisputable and decisive player, the Nice wants to take advantage of the interest that has generated in distinct clubs in Europe to promote his sale and generate income this summer. As it has informed Fabrizio Romano, skilled journalist in the market of signings, to day of today the team of the sureste of France is posing his sale by 40 million pounds sterling, around 46,6 million euros.

The Barça, attentive to the 'crowbar Todibo'

The Tottenham would be one of the most interested teams in doing with the incorporation of the central been born in the French Guyana and would be in conditions to negotiate with the Nice. Before, clubs like the Manchester United or Chelsea had touched the door to know the situation of Todibo. The Barça expects that the operation complete so that it serve of 'crowbar' economic.

As we mentioned before, when the Barça concretised the sale of the central to the Nice, included a clause with which resevaba 20% of a future sale. Like this then , in case that they sell him by 46,6 'kilos', more than nine millions would arrive to the arks of the Catalans this summer. It can be one of the big 'solutions' to generate income in the middle of the worrisome and interminable crisis by which cross the culés.

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