Vitor Roque en un partido con el Athletico Paranaense


Final decision: Barça informs LaLiga that it will register Vitor Roque!

Published:1/12/2023 - 00:03h

Updated:1/12/2023 - 11:37h

According to 'RAC1', FC Barcelona has already notified LaLiga that Vitor Roque will be the one who will 'use' Gavi's place in the first team squad, while the midfielder is in the infirmary

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Vitor Roque Is allocated to land in the FC Barcelona in brief. Except twist of guion very unexpected, will begin to form part of the changing room of Xavi Hernández from the month of January to reinforce to a forward to which, in a lot of occasions, is missing him the goal. The player of 18 years wants to serve of antidote and show that him leftover talent to be the '9' culé to average term. The confidence in him is maximum.

The only problem that existed for the landing of Vitor Roque was the Fair Play financial, but the unlucky injury of Gavi has opened him the way. The midfield player of 19 years went through the operating theatre to treat the complete break of the ligament crossed previous of the right knee and an injury associated to the external meniscus that will keep him out of action until the next season. It will be between eight and ten months in the infirmary, by what the Barça can put 'use' the rule of LaLiga that establishes that, in front of injuries of long length, the clubs can use 80% of the cost of the player to inscribe to one new.

In the program 'Your Diràs' of RAC1 explained, during the night of the Thursday, that the Catalan group has notified to the patronal, definitively, that will use the square of the sevillano so that Vitor Roque dress of Barcelona from January. Now, the balloon is in the roof of LaLiga, that has to validate the operation. In the club have the himself. The terrain is ready, but it is necessary to take in account condition them in which it will arrive the forward and the efforts that will have to do the Barça in summer.

The 'problemón' of the Barça in summer

And it is that 'Triguinho' will land in the club in caliad of yielded, so that pieda fit in the limit salarial until the month of June. That is to say, in this moment the Catalans will have to be able to generate sufficient Fair Play financial to inscribe the agreement 'real' of Vitor, by which arrived to an agreement with the Athletico Paranaense at a rate of 61 million euros, between fixed and variables, and that extends until 30 June 2031. For the culés, will be an authentic challenge.. Considering that it will not be the only operation that will have to attack in this moment.

And it is that, in addition to this movement, by which the Barcelona will have to generate sufficient FFP, through savings or sales of players, there are a lot of open folders: the continuity or no of Joao Cancel and Joao Félix, that will be millionaire operations, the signing of a mediocentro... In addition to the registration 'regulate' of a Gavi that only appears in the payroll of the first team by court order.

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