Memphis Depay, during a match with the Olympique of Lyon


Depay 'passes' from PSG and only thinks about playing for Barça

Published:15/12/2020 - 11:29h

Updated:16/12/2020 - 00:30h

Memphis Depay has entered the radar of PSG, which intends to snatch the signing of the Dutchman from Barça. However, the player seems to want to dress as a Barça player and is convinced that he will end up at the Camp Nou

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Memphis Depay Finishes agreement in 2021 with the Olympique of Lyon and seems to have decided since it does not go to continue in the French group. The Dutch has refused all the offers of renewal that have arrived him and everything aims that it will finish leaving next summer or even in the market of signings of winter. His aim is to go to the FC Barcelona with Ronald Koeman​, but everything will depend of the money that have the culés in January.

But his course to the Barça has complicated these last days by fault of Paris Saint-Germain. The Parisians have burst into with strength and seems that it wants to do with the Dutch forward in winter. On the contrary that the Barcelona, the Frenchmen yes have of the sufficient money to convince to Lyon that bandage to his star. This is something that concerns to the group barcelonista, that has not lost the contact with the surroundings of the player.

In the club fear that the president of Olympique presione to Memphis so that it go to the PSG. Jean-Michel Classrooms wants to ingresar what more better money by the ex of the Manchester United and knows that from Paris go to pay more by him that from Barcelona. By this reason, from the Lyon will try that the attacker accept the proposal of the ones of the capital of France, although it will not be simple.

As 'Sportive World' in the Barça trust that the decision of the footballer prevail. From it does quite time, the one of Moordrecht has decided that it wants to play in the Camp Nou, something that has not changed until the moment. In the City Condal keep weekly contacts with the Sports Entertainment Group, the agency of representation of the Dutch, and from there comment them that Depay has not changed of opinion.

The polyvalent forward wants to go and has like first and big objective dress of Barcelona. For this reason, in the Barcelona follow thinking that in spite of the irruption of the PSG, the footballer will finish being culé. The problem is that perhaps the Catalans can not go to by him in winter, since it will depend on if they attain to do box with some player. The Barça only will be able to do with him in winter in case to close some sale.

The future of Depay could go tied to the of Koeman

Also it will be necessary to see which sucede with Koeman, since his continuity could go tied to the future of Depay. If the technician leaves the club because the new president prefers another trainer, is possible that the arrival of his compatriot paralyse . For the moment, any of the precandidatos have confirmed what will do with the one of Zaandam, by what is all opened in these moments.

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