Neto and Umtiti in a training with the Barça


A 'disposal' of Xavi, closer to leaving: He has two possible destinations

Published:25/07/2022 - 00:09h

Updated:25/07/2022 - 00:09h

The FC Barcelona continues working in the exit of several soccer players in this summer. Neto Murara is one of the great 'discarded' and could be very close to leaving the culé team

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona is forced to make a deep cleaning of his changing room during the market of signings estival and are varied the names that are in the list 'black' of Mateu Alemany and company. The intention of the blaugrana is to give exit to the players with which does not explain Xavi Hernández of face to the season 2022-2023 to have space in the staff and, besides, follow reducing the mass salarial.

The name of Net Walled is one of the most complicated cases for the blaugrana, put although they have interested several teams in his traspaso, the conditions of the footballer to go out did not favour his situation. The Celtic of Vigo 'bid' by him until does some weeks, but finish stepping backwards because they could not pay his fichar, that is extramadamente elevated for a player that, in this moment, is the second goalkeeper of the Barça.

The situation of the guardameta Brazilian has 'atascado', but the blaugrana could be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. As it has informed the journalist Gianluca Gave Marzio, are two the teams that are interested in his signing: the Napoli and the Fulham English. The two teams are litigating by his traspaso and any of the two will finish doing him the 'favour' to the Barcelona entity.

The request of Xavi to the Barça

What yes is clear is that the situation of Net Walled, as well as the one of the rest of 'descartes' in the Barça (Samuel Umtiti, Riqui Puig or Martin Braithwaite) will have to resolve in the next days. Xavi Hernández has asked, from does some days, that the Barcelona group resolve the future of all before the team return of turns it by the United States, in less than two weeks.

Of agreement to an information of the newspaper 'SPORT' does some days, the trainer egarense asked to the club clarity with the sales. They are conscious that it will be a very complicated task because the negotiations are not directed (neither begun) by what the ex of the To the-Sadd will have to have 'patience' with the plans of the club in the middle of the 'operation gone out'.

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