Desvelan The "plan" of the bayern for fichar to laporte and remove it to the barça

Desvelan The "plan" of the Bayern for fichar to Laporte

Desvelan The "plan" of the Bayern for fichar to Laporte

Published:3/05/2014 - 12:17h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Catalan press ensures that the Bayern Munich would have made a strategy for fichar to Aymeric Laporte paying his clause of rescission and "steal it" to the Barça. In any case, if two clubs want to pay the clause will be the player the one who decide

The newspaper "Sport" has surprised publishing an information on a possible strategy of the Bayern Munich to do with the property of Aymeric Laporte, the fashionable head office in the Spanish League, and advance of this form to a FC Barcelona that would be also very interested in his services. The Catalan newspaper ensures that the Bavarians would plan to pay the clause of Laporte, of 36 million euros, for afterwards leave that the French foguee one or two seasons more in the Athletic and like this convince to the Basque directive that the German option is more ideal that the barcelonista.

But, in any case, the true is that the Bayern would have to convince to the player and no to the Athletic, since precisely the clauses of rescission originate that the footballer have even more freedom of the usual to choose the team by which wishes fichar, as long as there is two or more teams interested in crediting the price of the clause. 

Anyway what the Bayern Munich could do is to offer to Laporte some type of "extra entry" or a better wage that the one who could win in the FC Barcelona, but the fact to leave him one or two seasons more in the Athletic (unless that was the will of the player) does not have why repercutir in at all in the decision of Aymeric Laporte. What is clear is that the Bavarians also are interested in the central youngster, something that already announced "Sport Bild" does some days. They will have to make a "more elaborated" plan, however, if they want to do with his services on a long-term basis.

The Manchester City already would have tried ficharle

The brother of Julen Guerrero and ex player of the Athletic, José Félix Guerrero, explained to "Telebilbao" that "Txiki Begiristain said me that they can not fichar to Laporte because already it has it done with the Barça". If his words are some, the central youngster French of 19 years already would have it done with the FC Barcelona and would convert to the term of the present season in one of the first signings of the group culé of face to the next season, explaining also already to Ter Stegen. 

In fact, the FC Barcelona would carry months following closely the evolutions of the footballer, definitely one of the main disclosures of this season in the Spanish League. It measures 1'89 metres and, in addition to being young, plays like a central experienced. Has character, good handle of balloon, aerial potential, anticipation and a big speed in long distances. In addition to the more than possible arrival of Laporte, Hummels seems that it also could land in Barcelona this summer.

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