Gerard Deulofeu, celebrating a goal with the AC Milan


Deulofeu Reacts to the rumours on his return to the Barça

Published:22/03/2017 - 16:24h

Updated:22/03/2017 - 16:56h

The attacker of the Everton yielded to the AC Milan on the one who the Barça has an option of repurchase, Gerard Deulofeu, was asked after the possibility to return to the FC Barcelona the next season, ensuring that it wants to centre in the present

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The attacker of the Everton on the one who the FC Barcelona has an option of repurchase by value of 12 million euros of face to the next season, Gerard Deulofeu, is taking advantage of to the maximum his cession to the AC Milan to develop his potentialities and mature like footballer of elite.

"The players have to think only in the present, but can us go the head"

Therefore, and after the last words of the technical secretary of the Barça Robert Fernández, was not of extrañar that to the of Riudarenes asked him during the press conference of this Wednesday with the Spanish selection on the option to return in the short term to the Barça, something that apparently Deulofeu does not pose , when thinking only in the present.

"It expected this question", confessed between laughs, ensuring afterwards that "it is beautiful to listen these things", although "the players have to think only in the present, but can you go the head, the future already will arrive. I have learnt to forget the past and to live the present, think only in this. The future already will arrive, think in him can carry you to the wrong way".

Deulofeu, happy with his cession to the Milan

To day of today, Gerard Deulofeu has the aim to follow improving in the AC Milan. "For the moment I am yielded in the Milan, belong to the Everton and the Barça has an option of repurchase, but do not want to think further, would be committing an error".

This yes, Deulofeu has admitted that is happy with the improvement that is experiencing in distinct facets of the game. "I have found the regularity that looked for and now am a more intelligent player, more mature. I think in the parties during the week, have improved in the defensive appearance and am more regulate during the ninety minutes", has commented the Catalan extreme.

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