Mateu Alemany In the presentation of the Kun


The leadership of Barça met this Monday with Atletico de Madrid

Published:24/05/2022 - 09:54h

Updated:24/05/2022 - 13:30h

Mateu Alemany and Jordi Cruyff have been 'hunted' this Monday on a street in Madrid. The executives would be meeting with Atlético de Madrid to discuss various sporting issues

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The sportive direction of the FC Barcelona keeps very attentive to the market of signings and to the movements that can effect to help to the exert of the first team. It does some days that several Barcelona executives gathered with the Athletic of Madrid to converse on diverse subjects that could benefit to both institutions, although a new 'summit' could answer to another type of sportive subjects.

And it is that in base to an information desvelada by the journalist Juan Cat, so much Jordi Cruyff like Mateu Alemany have travelled this Monday to Madrid. "Hunted in Madrid! Mateu Alemany, director of football of the Barça, and Jordi Cruyff, director of the international area of the club blaugrana, does some minutes in a centrical street of the capital. It does days gathered with Gil Marín to tackle the future of Antoine Griezmann and Alvaro Morata", signals the 'tweet' with photography.

Alemany And Gil Marín coincided in the capital during an act of LaLiga the past 12 May. According to several media, the two executives dined together this night to argue the possibility of a barter between Morata and Griezmann, since the Juventus will not exert the option of purchase imposed in the cession of the Spanish and the Barcelona will not have space in the staff when it finalise the loan of the 'Principito'. Nevertheless, the newspaper 'Sportive World' ensures that in said dinner there was not any negotiation to exchange players.

For the moment, everything keeps 'agrounded', although it would not be the first time that the Barça interests in the services of the Madrilenian attacker. In January, when the wintry window was in his apogeo, Xavi Hernández communicated personally with Morata to convince him of recalar in the Camp Nou. The footballer put of his part, but the colchoneros denied to that the operation arrived to good port. Now, the period estival would go back to put his incorporation on the table.

The 'crowbars' of Laporta

This Wednesday the Barcelona will contest a friendly in Sydney in front of the 'All Star' of the To-League Australian without the presence of his president. In base to the 'Chain COPE', Joan Laporta has travelled to Madrid to first hour to answer to the agreement with CVC. At the same time, 'The Confidential' affirms that the Barça finds negotiating with 'Goldman Sachs' and 'All Sport Finance' (ASF) on the sale of several rights that ingresarían near of 900 million euros to the arks of the club.

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