Héctor Bellerín in a party in front of Chelsea


In England they insist on Laporta's strong interest in Héctor Bellerín

Published:28/12/2020 - 12:20h

Updated:28/12/2020 - 15:58h

Joan Laporta is already working on his sports project if he wins the Barça elections and in England they insist that Héctor Bellerín could be one of his assets. The former president would be trying to support the signing of the Arsenal side

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona could begin to stabilise at last from 24 January 2021. This day will be the elections and one of the precandidatos will heave and will turn into the new president of the Barça. One of the big favourites is Joan Laporta, ex maximum mandator of the group barcelonista and now precandidato. The lawyer is working to be the favourite of the partners and gives the impression that by the moment is winning the electoral career.

Laporta Starred does some weeks an advertising campaign that has had a lot of repercussion. The Catalan planted an enormous banner with his face at the side of Santiago Bernabéu for publicitar his candidature in Madrid. This has generated a lot of comments and has been very very received by part of the barcelonismo, although the true is that the ex president still has not spoken too much of his sportive project.

Further of Leo Messi, to the that the ex Barcelona wants in the Barça a lot of years, the precandidato has not wanted to give names of possible signings or trainers. Nevertheless, the rumorología yes is them giving and from does a week is speaking a lot of that Héctor Bellerín​ could be the first incorporation of the Barcelona in case that the ex mandator culé win the next comicios.

In England informed of this recently and this Monday the 'Daily Mirror' has gone back to insist in the interest of Laporta in the right side of the Arsenal. The ex president would be trying advance the signing of the Catalan, that went of the quarry of the Barça in 2011 to dress of 'gunner'. In London has progressed a lot of and has turned into a key piece in the English group with almost all the trainers that has had.

The price of exit of the carrilero right-handed would be around the 20-25 million euros, that perhaps could be too much for a team that is happening serious economic difficulties. It will be necessary to see if the Barcelona is in conditions to face this purchase, but in Great Britain have clear that Laporta will try it was as it was if it turns into new president.

The side seems to be covered with Sergiño Dest

Nevertheless, if it confirmed this information would be of the most surprising, since with the incorporation of Sergiño Dest the right side is a position that seems to be more than cover. The American is standing out in this first-half of season and in front of the injury of Sergi Roberto is showing that it is qualified to be headline in all a Barcelona. In spite of this, Laporta could want to more competition and, perhaps, his plan would be to happen to Roberto to the centre of the field and that Bellerín and the ex of the Ajax struggled by a place in the defence.

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