Dest and Lenglet in a Champions League match


The departure of De Ligt from Juve could cause another march at Barça

Published:25/06/2022 - 09:54h

Updated:25/06/2022 - 13:04h

After several reports revealed that Juventus would be willing to dispense with the services of Matthijs de Ligt, new information ensures that his replacement would be at Barça

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The relation of Matthijs of Ligt and the Juventus every time is more weakened. The Dutch has a valid agreement until 2024 but several media have desvelado that it is not by the work to expand it, something that the Juventus does not see with 'good eyes'. It is thus that the 'vecchia signora' would be had to go out of his star in this same market of signings, as long as they achieve him an ideal spare.

Now, as it has desvelado the newspaper 'SPORT', the candidate that handles the sportive direction trasalpina to occupy the vacancy would be Clément Lenglet, the defender of the FC Barcelona. With 27 years, the French is in the ramp of exit because it will not take place in the sportive project of Xavi Hernández and because the managerial wants to free mass salarial to fulfil with the 'fair play' financial tax by LaLiga.

In fact, the Frenchman is one of the few available left-handed head offices in the market, what also has called the attention of teams like the Olympique Marseilles and the Tottenham Hotspur. However, the own footballer would be more interested in recalar in an important team like the Juve, since would have minutes of quality of face to the World-wide of Catar and also because it would contest the Champions League.

Anyway, to concretise an exit of Of Ligt, the 'bianconeri' only would be had to purchase his services if it arrives in condition of yielded and with option of purchase. For the Barça would be a business 'round', because the Italians if they could cover the whole of his index card and the culés would free mass salarial and a contingent in the staff, at least during the season that was of loan.

They do not want problems in Turín

With this posture of Of Ligt, the group piamontés does not wish to have inconvenient to future by the contractual situation of the defender. It is thus that will not have problems in opening him the door of exit if a suitable offer is put on his table. To his 22 years, is one of the footballers with elder caché in Europe and his value rises to the 70 million euros according to 'Transfermarkt'. The Manchester United, that also works in Frenkie of Jong, would be had to hire him although first it has to concretise other operations.

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