Sergi Roberto and Rafinha Alcántara in a training of the FC Barcelona | FCB


First slam of the Barça to the exit of Rafinha Alcántara: it will not put course to Turkey

Published:20/10/2018 - 10:50h

Updated:20/10/2018 - 23:50h

It lived a summer agitated by the doubts on his continuity in the FC Barcelona, but for the moment seems that that is a subject resolved. In spite of the news that ensure that Rafinha Alcántara has an offer of Turkey, everything aims to that the Brazilian will not move of the Camp Nou

Calendar of FC Barcelona

It does hardly some months, Rafinha Alcántara was more was that inside the FC Barcelona, and only the little forcefulness of the offers by his traspaso certified his permanence in the Camp Nou. The midfield player is a player very very valued by the technicians, but the club needs money to square his balances and his exit was an interesting option. For the moment, this yes, does not seem that it go to have changes.

In the last days has resurgido the interest of a Fenerbahçe that already had him in his sight in August, and that offered him a very serious candidature in the Superliga Turkish and a project that contemplates regular presences in the Champions. Now, the intention would be to draft him in January or in June of 2019, although that is a possibility that is, for the time being, too much far.

The Catalan group has closed the door to his course whenever it was not he same the one who demand it, something that will have to argue with Ernesto Valverde that procures to have a plot devoted to the canterano. In the first weeks of the course some absences in the announcements caused that they went back the doubts on the one of Sao Paulo, but his situation has normalised and his participation could go in increase.

The ex of the Celtic of Vigo has gone going in in the plans of the Txingurri with some isolated titularities and a pair of suplencias anecdóticas, a balance that pretends to improve in some coming weeks in which the rotations will go back to take importance. The only requirement that keeps, go where go, is that it wants to have minutes, and now feels like an alternative to an eleven initial in which it could -and would want to- take more weight. It is in his hands.

Rafinha Will value his continuity in the Barça

What each day is clearer is that Rafinha and the Barça have given a time to think, and that his future will resolve in one of the two markets of 2019. The club will try to renew an agreement that expires in 2020 if the perspectives to remain are good, but if the crack forces a traspaso to look for more protagonimo, will sell him to do box what before.

Like this, both parts value the sportive and economic consequences of his next movements, that would focus to the City Condal but also to others of the big leagues of the continent. The Brazilian prefers a destination of maximum level, and the culés know that in the greater championships is where there is more money to invest in his signing.

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