Hansi Flick, Julian Nagelsmann, Roberto de Zerbi y Luis Enrique


Flick, De Zerbi, Nagelsmann... The coaches that Barça would have ruled out

Published:17/04/2024 - 18:42h

Updated:18/04/2024 - 01:11h

FC Barcelona has been rumored to be interested in hiring a wide range of coaches. However, as the time to make a decision approaches, this list has been considerably reduced, excluding several 'top' candidates

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The FC Barcelona confronts to a big work with the farewell of Xavi Hernández to the term of the season 2023-24, since now it has to look for a trainer that lead the sportive project from the course 2024-25. Nevertheless, this research, far to be simple, presents complicated by diverse reasons, some related with economic appearances and others with the structure of the team. Find to a technical director that adjust to the philosophy of the club is not easy task, since they are scarce in the international panorama and seem to be complicated negotiate with them.

In principle, the information that has earned importance in the last days is the option to bet by a trainer of the house and that is having a remarkable exert in the Barça Atlètic: Rafa Márquez. The michoacano seems to lead this career in which several technical directors of renown that have been mentioned seem to be moving away little by little or being descartados by diverse reasons by part of the managerial culé.

Flick, Klopp, Nagelsmann and Tuchel, the most sounded names in the 'German road'

In this sense, is convenient to begin speaking of the 'German road'. In the last weeks, mentioned four technicians germanos like possible candidates to occupy the Barcelona bench. Between them, the one who seemed to have more strength was Hansi Flick, a trainer that has showed his capacity to arm competitive staff and avasalladoras, as it saw in his go through the Bayern Munich. When finding in freedom after his little brilliant go through the German selection, seemed to be a feasible option to negotiate in economic terms, especially because it is represented by Pini Zahavi, one of the agents with which Joan Laporta, president of the FC Barcelona, has a very good relation. Nevertheless, according to sources, this option has cooled in the last days.

Equally, inside this 'German road' mentioned other names like Jürgen Klopp, an alternative idílica but little likely, since the native of Stuttgart expressed his wish to withdraw of the Liverpool precisely to take a sabbatical year. Therefore, it does not seem to be a viable option in this moment. Also it finds Julian Nagelsmann, another name that interested to the sportive direction of the Barcelona cast, but that still has agreement with the German Federation. Although his agreement finalises after the Eurocopa 2024, no descarta that it can renew his contractual bond, especially considering the 'renacer' that is experiencing the 'Mannschaft'.

To close this section, mentioned the option of Thomas Tuchel. In spite of being a technician recognised in the international panorama of the football and even have won, between other things, the UEFA Champions League, his recent and deafening failure in the Bayern Munich would have weakened his candidature.

Of Zerbi, an alternative complicated by his clause of rescission

In another order of ideas, also considered the option of Roberto Of Zerbi, of the Brighton & Hove Albion, like candidate for the place. His candidature was backed by his proposal of offensive game and appeal, as well as by his bet by the young players, to those who improves to the maximum of his skills. Added to this, had the backrest of a historical figure of the FC Barcelona like Pep Guardiola, what turned it into an alternative 'seductive'.

However, the interest in him could have diminished because of the high cost that involved to take it out of the 'Seagulls'. It is necessary to remember that the míster Italian has agreement with the club until 2026 and knows that his clause of rescission round the 15 M€, a little handy figure for the picture culé. The same rumoreó in his moment with Ruben Amorim, another potential candidate, whereby also would have had to pay a clause liberatoria of 20 M€ to the Sporting CP.

The return of Luis Enrique, the better option valued by Deco

Finally, there are names more idílicos, as the one of Luis Enrique, orn trainer with history in the Barcelonan square and that it was the option predilecta of Deco. However, this alternative resulted much more inasumible, since the Asturian is totally engaged with his current club, Paris Saint-Germain, with which has agreement until 2025.

There is take into account that 'Struggle' is used to to fulfil his agreements and seems to be satisfied in his current stage, by what did not seem the most feasible option. The same occurred with Mikel Arteta, a trainer with a 'DNA Barça', but that expressed his wish to remain in the Arsenal, where still has agreement until 2025, descartando like this his union to the Barcelona cast.

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