Florentino Pérez in an act of the Real Madrid


Bombshell! Florentino would have already communicated that he will not sign Mbappé

Published:21/05/2022 - 10:09h

Updated:21/05/2022 - 10:13h

Real Madrid has remained on the lookout with Kylian Mbappé. Now, new information has revealed that Florentino Pérez would have ruled out his signing and would have communicated it to the dressing room

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The contractual situation of Kylian Mbappé has done that a 'hurricane' mediático 'shoot' to the point that the informations have intensified drastically in the last days. Already they have become several 'bombs' on the future of the attacker, like the total control of his rights of image if index card by the Real Madrid or the desorbitados emolumentos that will perceive if it accesses to renew with Paris Saint-Germain.

However, the most recent arrives from the own Santiago Bernabéu, precisely after the commitment suspender belt between the Real Madrid and the Betis. The merengues equalised (0-0) to close like this an important season, where achieved to do with the title of League and ensured his classification to the final of the Champions that will contest in Paris on 28 May in front of the Liverpool of Jürgen Klopp.

Nevertheless, it seems that all these attainments have remained opacados by the situation of 'Donatello'. And it is that as it affirms Guillem Balagué, the party in front of the béticos left more than a simple tie after the words of Florentino Pérez to the staff of the first team. The journalist affirms that the president of the Madrid went down to the once culminated changing rooms the party to communicate that no fichará to the Parisian star.

Like this it published it in his account of 'Twitter'. "They finish me to say that Florentino Pérez has said them to the players tonight in the changing room that Mbappé does not come. We expect to listen what he has to say before confirming something", ensured, desvelando so the intention of the attacker, after months of negotiations, is to continue being the offensive axis of the PSG in the coming years.

It would be a 'low hit'

The Real Madrid has several years after the steps of the '7', to such point that put 200 million euros on the table to purchase his services the past summer. In spite of this, the position of Nasser To the-KhelaÏfi was immovable and no 'yielded terrain' in any moment. Now, it seems that everything is directed so that Mbappé continue his career in France beside Lionel Messi and Neymar Júnior.

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