Gavi demands an action in the Barça vs Rayo of LaLiga


Follow the 'Gavi case': Barça awaits the last meeting to unblock its future

Published:4/06/2022 - 23:13h

Updated:4/06/2022 - 23:13h

FC Barcelona has sent the renewal offer to Gavi, but nothing has been decided yet. The club hopes to meet once again with his agent to resolve, once and for all, his situation

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The time runs against of the FC Barcelona regarding the renewal of Gavi, that continues without concretising . It has desvelado that Iván of the Crag, agent of the footballer of 17 years, received during the week happened the offer of the Barcelona entity and that the negotiations were opened. It is a subject that the Barça wants to 'resolve' the sooner possible, by what will have a last summit to try achieve the signature of the sevillano.

'SPORT' Has informed that the Barça has hastes to achieve the renewal of Gavi, whose agreement wins the next 30 June 2023 and has several offers of 'big' of Europe. The club is conscious that his clause of exit (of 50 million euros) is very accessible and that, if they neglect , any one could pay it this summer. The midfield player has called a lot the intention of English clubs that will not doubt in 'attack' if they break the negotiations with the culés.

The Barça already has given the first step sending the offer to Iván of the Crag, but now foresees that Mateu Alemany concretise a meeting with the representative of the midfield player to approach postures and that, finally (and after a lot of wait), Gavi stamp his signature in his new agreement with the Barça. At all times it has left clear that his priority is to remain in the Camp Nou, by what the confidence is absolute from the club blaugrana.

The new agreement of Gavi with the Barça

During the next week foresees that it produce the meeting between Alemany and Of the Crag to argue the agreement that already have done him arrive. The before quoted source has explained that the intention of the culés is 'armour' to Gavi with a clause of rescission of billion of euros, that was able to scare to the teams that have interested in him in the last months (the Liverpool or Bayern of Munich, for example).

They do not have desvelado more figures, up to now, but foresees that the agreement of the midfield player of 17 years follow the economic parameters of the that had Ronald Araújo with his renewal. It will remain to expect to that the Barça can generate 'fair play' financial so that the extension of the agreement can concretise, by what the signature could take some weeks more.

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