Joan Laporta, in a press conference


The formula with which Barça will be able to sign new players

Published:10/06/2022 - 23:37h

Updated:10/06/2022 - 23:37h

The president of LaLiga, Javier Tebas, has spoken again about the financial situation of FC Barcelona and, although he believes that it will improve soon, he recalled that they will only be able to sign if enough income is generated

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It is not a secret for anybody that the FC Barcelona crosses a delicate economic situation and are few the options that has of face to the market of signings veraniego if it does not generate extraordinary and concrete income sales in the first staff, as well as discounts salariales. The Barcelona picture, as it exceeds his limit salarial, follows governing by the article 100 of the Norms of Preparation of the Budgets of LaLiga.

It has been something that has gone back to clear the president of the patronal, Javier Thebes, the one who has expressed in 'MARK' that in the Barça only will be able to "fichar by the rule 1/3. Yes they take out players by 100 will be able to fichar by 33. If it does available operations of active as I am seeing, will go reducing these losses and if it compensates them, will happen to the 1-1 normal", adding that the blaugrana "have designed a strategy and is the one who are applying. Expect for the sake of the football and the League that achieve the aims".

The costarricense has stood out that from LaLiga are not happy with the situation by which cross the Barcelona, but the rules are for 'save' to the clubs of endeudarse more and avoid greater consequences. Thebes stood out that "to us does not like us this situation but the responsibility of the football is every time greater. No longer there are guarantees in the football. And if a club hits a cake says that the League has not done his function of control".

Like this then , if the economy of the Barça continues so delicate as it has been it up to now, the Barcelona will have to stick to the rule of the '1 to 3', that will be able to employ for those players that represent 5% of the total cost of the staff. As it explained Thebes, if the club achieves to generate income of 100 million euros, will be able to use 33 to inscribe to a new player taking in account which cost supposes for the mass salarial.

Thebes sees able to the Barça to recover

The president of LaLiga has referred , besides, to that sees able to the managerial board of Joan Laporta revertir the current economic crisis: "If it works in the line the Barcelona is a big club that goes to go out forward. It does not fit me doubt. The Barcelona, in economic terms, is a machine to do money", adding later that "the cause of these losses it is necessary to think that it splits were like consequence of the COVID, part of operative losses and part because they have anticipated provisions of amortizaciones of players that did not have reason have them done. And also they anticipated some lawsuits that would not have to".

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