The four players that Barça plans to sell in winter
Published:16/11/2020 - 13:31h
Updated:16/11/2020 - 17:36h
FC Barcelona wants to release four footballers, Martin Braithwaite, Junior Firpo, Matheus Fernandes and Samuel Umtiti. The operation of the Spanish-Dominican seems simple, but that of the other players could be more complicated
The FC Barcelona is happening economic difficulties very serious and needs a restructuring in his mass salarial. The culés want to recortar 30% in the index cards of all the members of the first staff of the Barça and are working to achieve it. But no only it will suffice with this measure, since it also could be necessary do box with some footballer. In fact, for fichar in the market of winter, will be strictly necessary to do some traspasor.
In this sense, the group barcelonista has thought in four players by which could take out money in January and that are not important for Ronald Koeman. Although Riqui Puig and Carles Aleñá are invisible for the Dutch, the club only poses the exits of both in shape of cession and no of traspaso By this reason, any of them is in this list of transferibles that form Martin Braithwaite, Junior Firpo, Matheus Fernandes and Samuel Umtiti.
In the case of the French, his course is the most complicated, since anybody wants to risk to spend money in a central that carries almost two years in white. The Frenchman hardly has played in the last two campaigns and when it has been in the field has not given the level. Koeman Does not want him, although publicly it say the contrary, and has contemplated that it go yielded. His index card is the another big obstacle to that go , but still like this the Olympique of Lyon and the Rome are slopes of him.
With 'Big Sam' will be complicated to achieve a sale, but in the Barça would conform with ridding of his index card. This is not the case of Junior Firpo, that is the footballer with more market of the four transferibles. Inter Of Milan or Naples have asked after he and as 'Sport' could go out in shape of conveyance with option to buy. The Catalans do not want that this option was lower to 20 million euros, by what could recover the investment that did in him in 2018.
On the other hand, Martin Braithwate does not want to leave because it sees with options to do a gap, but Koeman wants to that it go to do him place to Memphis Depay. The agents of the forward try to do him see that the best for his career is to go and all could solve with a conveyance with option to buy. In the Premier League seems that has very good poster and in January some team could call to the door of the Barcelona to try do with him.
Matheus Fernandes Neither will be still in the Barça
Finally Matheus Fernandes is a course forced, since it does not explain for his trainer and not even has debuted. In the club want that it go so that have minutes and the normal is that his exit was a loan, but no descarta a sale if they arrived proposed. In summer, his representatives denied to that went , but now is the footballer the one who wishes to leave to play, something that in the Barça goes to be impossible.