Frenkie deJong partido3


Frenkie de Jong would no longer be on PSG's agenda

Published:20/04/2024 - 23:13h

Updated:21/04/2024 - 03:33h

According to information from the newspaper 'SPORT', Frenkie de Jong would no longer be on Paris Saint-Germain's list of candidates to reinforce their midfield next season.

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Paris Saint-Germain would not be interested in the incorporation of Frenkie of Jong during the window of transfers estival of this summer, in spite of the rumours that had taken place in the last weeks. The Dutch midfield player does not form part of the diary of the club Frenchman in the middle of the efforts that will do for 'renew' the staff in front of the more than possible exit of Kylian Mbappé, like free agent, when it finish the season.

According to an information of the newspaper SPORT, from the Park of the Princes, although the profile of Of Jong would like them to reinforce his medullary, would not be had to disburse an important quantity of money to do with the services of the Dutch midfield player, especially now that would be evaluating the contracting of Bernardo Silva from the Manchester City of Pep Guardiola.

The future of Of Jong, in the air

The PSG was one of the teams with which the ex of the Ajax had been linked, but no the only. In the last hours trascended that the Bayern of Munich was very attentive to his situation in the Barça and that considered him like one of his priorities for the próxina season. 'Relief' signalled that will have to disposal around 150 million euros to reinforce his staff -after the varapalo that supposed the fall in the Bundesliga in front of the Bayer Leverkusen- and Of Jong forms part of the plan.

The Barcelona club, to day of today, has not taken the definite decision on the future of Frenkie. Although they have boarded conversations for a renoación, put his current agreement wins on 30 June 2026, there are not agreements neither at all concretise on the table. Besides, some sector of the breast of the club values positively his sale because it would leave big income in the arks; key in the middle of the crisis by which cross in the actuality.

Frenkie 'okay' 60 or 70 millions

As diverse report, in the City Condal value the sale of the midfield player of 26 years in 60 or 70 million euros, to recover part of the investment that did in 2019 by his signing from the Ajax. In any case, in the Barça are conscious that any movement will depend on the intentions of the player that, up to now, has left clear that his aim is to triumph as Barcelona. Of Jong is comfortable in the club and does not plan to move, at least in the short term.

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