César Azpilicueta, in the radar of the FC Barcelona


'Game over' for Barça?: Tuchel 'confirms' the renewal of Azpilicueta

Published:1/04/2022 - 23:51h

Updated:2/04/2022 - 21:37h

Thomas Tuchel, Chelsea coach, assumes that César Azpilicueta has renewed his contract (automatically) with the English team, 'killing' the illusions of a FC Barcelona that continues to insist on his transfer

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There is total uncertainty with the future of César Azpilicueta. Although it had informed that Chelsea could not renew his agreement by the blockade of the English government, the trainer 'blue' Thomas Tuchel has pronounced in this regard and has 'confirmed' that the defender navarro, in question, will follow a year more in the Stamford Bridge.

'Azpi' Has contested more than the necessary parties so that it activated of immediate way the clause of renewal that pactaba his agreement, by what will be -in theory- linked with Chelsea in the season 2022-2023, in spite of the strong interest of the FC Barcelona. The Barcelona, with this new change of script, look forward to to seat to negotiate.

The case is that, in the previous of the party of the picture londinense against the Brentford, the trainer of Chelsea Thomas Tuchel has explained that "knew that it went to suceder (the prolongation of the agreement), because it knew the number of parties. They are good news, needed to do that it remained and extend his agreement. It does me happy that was like this, know the a lot of that trust he".

In this sense, to the Barça would remain him stick to the promise that would have done him Marina Granovskaia, general director of Chelsea, to Azpilicueta to leave them leave in summer if that was his wish. The player is one 'legend' in the club and do not want that it was forced to remain if that is not his wish.

Tuchel Speaks of Rüdiger

Another key subject that has touched Thomas Tuchel is the current situation of Antonio Rüdiger, the one who yes aims to abandon the Stamford Bridge in July and to the one who the Barça has contacted recently. In this regard, the trainer germano has commented that "have the hands tied", adding on the meeting with the Barcelona group quand "of course, concerns me, if it is truth that there is interest".

Likewise, it has stood out that understands that the central was a player wished by all Europe: "I would treat to gather me with him if it was in another club, but is our player and still trust that it keep on being our player", stood out. "The situation is the one who is in this moment and our hands are tied. We can not offer him at all, we can not negotiate or renegotiate with his agent. It is logical that listen other offers, but even so have confidence".

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