Amadou Onana con el Everton en el duelo ante el Aston Villa en la Premier League


Good news for Barça for Onana? Everton, sanctioned and closer to relegation

Published:8/04/2024 - 18:43h

Updated:8/04/2024 - 18:43h

FC Barcelona could see its chances of signing Amadou Onana increase if Everton are relegated to the Championship (English Second Division), since the negotiation could acquire much more favorable conditions

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The controversy goes back to strike to the door of the Everton in the Premier League. The combined managed by Sean Dyche, that initially received a sanction of deduction of 10 points, announced in November, of which later gave him back four in February, now confronts to an immediate deduction of two units because of the "incumplimiento of the Rules of Profitability and Sustainability (PSR) of the Premier League for the period that finalises in the season 2022/23", as it announced the English league.

This represents an important reverse for the 'Toffees', that happened to be to four points of the descent to be only to two, since his total of units reduced of 29 to 27, situating in the sixteenth position of the championship. In this sense, the ones of Merseyside has seven days to notify his intention to appeal this new sanction, that initially stipulated in five points, but that, as it read in the communiqué issued by the Premier, reduced to two because of different extenuating circumstances.

The 'profit' that it could take him out the FC Barcelona to the possible descent of the Everton

Curiously, in addition to the Everton, the FC Barcelona also can be attentive to the verdict of this possible appeal and to the sportive future of the 'Toffees'. Why? It is simple. If the picture that sees action in the Goodison Park descends to the Championship (Second English Division), could increase the options to negotiate the traspaso of the defensive pivote Amadou Onana, player whose name has sounded very strong recently in the City Condal like an incorporation of face to the next market veraniego.

Under this premise, the Barcelona cast could purchase a position to be able to, since the Everton would recess his economic pretences by a footballer whereby apparently are not listening lower offers to 60 M€. However, if the club 'toffee' descend, a stage that is latent because of the sanction mentioned previously and to the evil exert in the last commitments, since in the last five duels that have faced, only have won one, adding three defeats and a tie, the club would see forced to do a sportive restructuring. This would involve several exits, so much on economic grounds as by the pressure that can exert some players stood out that wish to continue his careers in teams of First Division.

This would plant to the FC Barcelona in a favourable position, that recently informed that they would be had to offer 40 million euros by the Belgian, without descartar the option that some another player culé can go in in the negotiation to reduce costs. Nevertheless, the Barça does not have to neglect the fact that, as well as they look for to reinforce his medullary zone with this profile of physical footballer, defensive and technician, also there are other clubs that could take advantage of this opportunity in the market. It has rumoreado that Amadou Onana also interests to several clubs of the Premier League, like Chelsea and the Arsenal, and even could appear the Bayern Munich, all they with good economic budgets and interesting sportive projects with which the combined Barcelonan will have to compete.

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