Iago Sails, celebrating a goal against the Barça


Iago Sails wants that two transferibles of the Barça arrive to the Celtic

Published:6/06/2019 - 21:54h

Updated:6/06/2019 - 21:54h

Iago Sails, captain of the Celtic of Vigo, expects that the club of his life reinforce the staff to do it more competitive and avoid the suffering of this last season. The Galician forward showed his wish to play at the side of two players of the Barça

Calendar of FC Barcelona

A lot it speaks in the FC Barcelona on possible signings like Antoine Griezmann or Matthijs of Ligt, but the 'operation gone out' also will have a leading paper this next summer. Iago Sails, captain of the Celtic of Vigo, spoke on the possible arrival to Balaídos of two of the transferibles of the Barcelona club.

In concrete, referred to Denis Suárez and to Rafinha Alcántara, two footballers that in his day already dressed the celestial T-shirt of the group vigués. The forward of the Celtic conceded an interview to Television of Galicia in which it spoke of the next season of the Galician picture and went here where mentioned to the two midfield players culés.

Everything came as a result of speaking of the possible return of Santi Mina to Balaídos next summer, something that Iago Sails saw with good eyes. "To me it would like me that it went back, as also it would like me that they went back Denis Suárez or Rafinha", commented the Galician forward. An invitation that possibly both would accept loved.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to say that the Celtic of Vigo seems to have few possibilities to have any one of the two. Especially by the economic appearance, since the team vigués hardly could assume the millionaire costs of both traspasos. Besides, the FC Barcelona there would be descartado two new cessions.

The Barcelona, with intention to sell

Except surprise, neither Denis Suárez neither Rafinha go in in the sportive plans of the FC Barcelona for the future, especially by the 'overbooking' that would generate in his respective positions. In spite of that are speaking of two polyvalent players, so much in the forward as in the medullary would have a competition that would deprive them of minutes.

Thus, the FC Barcelona would see with good eyes his respective traspasos to another team. Nevertheless, neither they will sell to any price, since from the Catalan entity have clear that need income to be able to face costly signings like the ones of Of Ligt or Griezmann, mentioned previously. 

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