From left to right: Camavinga, Goretzka and Fabián Ruiz, possible reinforcements for the Barça


Looking for a midfielder! The options that Barça has

Published:25/06/2021 - 18:37h

Updated:26/06/2021 - 04:44h

One of the priorities of FC Barcelona is to reinforce the center of the field. After the Wijnaldum sit-in, the club starts looking for new options

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In Can Barça has not detained the work and, in addition to achieving options for 'sanear' the economy of the club before it finish the exercise 2020-2021, the directors continue in the research of ideal reinforcements for the next course and like this fulfil the big aim to give back to the FC Barcelona to the peak, so much in Spain as in Europe. One of the priorities of the Barcelona group is to achieve a midfield player and, after the sapling of Georgino Wijnaldum, Mateu Alemany and Joan Laporta have activated the radar to achieve a player that was accessible, economically speaking, and fulfil with the requirements that has posed the club.

The blaugrana are conscious that the profile of Wijnaldum was ideal for the group directed by Ronald Koeman and of there that the trainer insisted so much in his traspaso since it landed in the City Condal the past summer. Now, in the Eurocopa, the midfield player is offering recital after recital and the culés, disappointed of his decision of 'betray them', regret not to have him been able to ficharlo. And it is that Koeman there was it 'chosen' bys or ideal mix of physicist and technical (something that is not so common), by his capacity of work without the balloon and the threat that supposes every time that arrives from second line, without forgetting it versatil that it can become in the field.

In addition to all his goodnesses futbolísticas, went to arrive free from the Liverpool. After his 'sapling', the Barça has gone in in the task to achieve a player that can reinforce the medullary but with several limitantes, related directly to the economic situation of the club, waiting, besides, of the results of the audit, as well as the knowledge of the tope salarial that will have in the next course, that would see reduced considerably with the grave debt with which the Barcelona club will finish (to fault of confimación) this exercise. However, from Can Barça handle several options for 'jump' again to the market of signings. To continuation, review the most important:

Camavinga, a player that likes to the Barça

Although his traspaso is almost impossible (the PSG also has it in his radar and he wants to leave to the Park of the Princes), has a profile that likes a lot in Can Barça. In the Rennes has showed that it is one of the players of the morning, but also stands out in the actuality, in spite of his 18 years. It is an excellent rompedor of lines and very skillful in the conduccuín of balloon, with an impressive capacity to read the game and anticipate.

His rapidity and the move by all the field facilitate him his incorporation to the rival area easily. Besides, has a big golepo far and has received cientos of praises by his trip in long (by what have compared him, for example, with Xabi Alonso). Another advantage is his age and potential of growth (and improvement, in the placing), being an ideal option to play in any position of the centre of the field.

Leon Goretzka, a possible signing

It does some days informed that so much the Barça like the Real Madrid were after the track of the midfield player of the Bayern Munich, that has agreement until the summer of 2022 and still has not extended his stay in the Allianz Sand. It is a footballer that, obviously, awake the interest of the 'big' of Europe and that with his exert in the Eurocopa follows winning whole to turn into one of the reasons by which the clubs will litigate in the next months.

It is a player with profile more defensive, accustomed to play of '6', but with some very marked characteristics: thed inamismo that contributes in the field, deployment and omnipresence, with big technical and reading of game. His tactical flexibility also turns him into an ideal option for any team, because it can play by out or inside, free or fixed, costing of his physical power and speed for despistar to his rivals.

Fabián Ruíz, a signing that the Barça already has tanteado

This summer has not been the first time that the name of Fabián Ruíz has appeared in the radar of the FC Barcelona. From it does some years, the Catalan club has tanteado his traspaso but the Naples has turned it into a task complicated. Now, they ask 60 millions by his index card and will not accept barters, that is what looks for the Barça.

The true is that it is a player that would fit in the Barcelona approach by his good driving and capacity to break rival lines with his passes. To his technical quality adds him a physicist portentoso and big defensive deployment. Besides, as if it was little already, has arrival and goal, adding him his versatility and capacity to occupy different positions in the centre of the field.

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