Future midfield of FC Barcelona


The incredible midfield that Barça aims to have for the 22/23 season

Published:3/05/2022 - 20:46h

Updated:4/05/2022 - 10:00h

Barça's midfield aims to be one of the team's great 'tricks' during the next campaign. This area of ​​the field will combine youth with experience, and the good level of its members invites us to get excited about what is to come

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona follows working in his team of face to the next season. The Barcelona are conscious of the importance to reinforce some positions in the field in order to recover the competitiveness in the big stages during the next years. For this reason, from the offices of the Camp Nou have looked for some 'pieces' keys that consider that they can strengthen the diagram of Xavi Hernández and give him more depth to a staff carente of spares in some demarcations.

However, the midfield of the Catalan group will not see so affected in this 'revolution'. The medullary barcelonista has been one of the main 'arms' of the entity through the years, having to two current members of the square (Sergio Busquets and Xavi Hernández) like protagonists. Nowadays, this is led by the same Busquets and the young promise of the Barça and the Spanish football, Pedri, that has known to handle the threads from his place when the group needs it.

In this zone, the trainer of Terrassa has a 'fan' of options that can give him some alternatives in the game. The already mentioned Busquets and Pedri are 'indisputable' for Hernández when they are available, since they play a main paper in the strategy of the egarense. To them two adds them Frenkie of Jong, that from his arrival of the Ajax to the City Condal has won a place in the eleven of the culés. In spite of this, a lot of informations speak of a possible exit of the Dutch, although Xavi has expressed publicly his interest for following having the tulip.

Likewise, the technician of the Barcelona has given him the opportunity to form part of his team to two 'perlas' of the Farm, as it is the case of Gavi and Nico González. The first already has turned into a 'indispensable' for his trainer and for the entity barcelonista, serving like revulsivo in parties that need of his intensity and opening a gap in the eleven headline like spare of guarantees in front of the absence of any one of the headlines. The second, in spite of not being so regulate with Gavi, has known to win a place in the square and the culés have he for the future. Distinct is the case of Riqui Puig, whose continuity in Barcelona is in doubts to the not being in the plans of Hernández.

Signings of guarantees

In spite of the excelso level that possesses the centre of the field blaugrana, from Can Barça have attained to do with the services of two footballers that would give the jump of definite quality the medullary. The Catalans will carry to Franck Kessié to his rows after not renewing his agreement with the AC Milan, finding him a good spare to 'Busi'. Of the same form, attained the contracting of one of the greater promises of the Spanish football, Pablo Tower, that shined during his stage in the Racing of Santander with alone 19 years of age. Finally, in the City Condal would be interested in the incorporation of Carlos Soler, 'indispensable' in Valencia and the Spanish selection, and could try his signing in summer. The midfield barcelonista invites to ilusionarse.

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