Inigo Martinez Athletic4


Iñigo Martínez would have already signed with Barça with a strange clause in his contract

Published:29/03/2023 - 00:40h

Updated:29/03/2023 - 00:40h

In the midst of the selection break, FC Barcelona would have closed what, for the moment, is the first reinforcement for next season. According to the journalist Gerard Romero, Iñigo Martínez has already signed his contract with Barça

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Iñigo Martínez will be player of the FC Barcelona in summer. Like this it has confirmed it the journalist Gerard Romero in his podcast 'Jijantes FC', ensuring that the central of the Athletic of Bilbao already signed with the Barça, club to the that will arrive to 'cost zero' after finalising his agreement with the Basque group. The defender of 31 years already had been in the orbit culé in 2022, but the economic pretences bilbaínas hindered his exit.

For the moment, they do not know details on the length of the agreement neither the wage that will perceive the one of Ondarroa, but yes the inclusion of an odd clause in his agreement, foreseeing complications of the Barça with the limit salarial that imposes LaLiga. And it is that, to these heights, the club can not inscribe neither renew players by his problems with the 'fair play', with which is forced to go down at least 200 million euros in payroll this summer.

A clause 'anti fair play' for Iñigo Martínez

According to Gerard Romero, the Barça engages to leave that Iñigo Martínez leave yielded to another club, with his whole wage, if LaLiga prevents his registration before finalising the market estival. It would subtract to require if the loan would produce by a year or by six months, satisfied the urgencies of a Barcelona that only can aspire to operations 'low cost' in summer by his financial problems.

Without the option to activate new 'crowbars', to the managerial culé only remains him close sales and cessions to do box and free wages and index cards in the first team, as the patronal will not accept income from the sale of active of the club like countable gains to the exercise 2022/23. It is as well as the club is manacled to negotiate by reinforcements and, even, for oficializar the new agreements of Ronald Araújo and Gavi, in addition to the imminent renewal of Alejandro Balde.

Iñigo always expected by the Barça

To fault of official confirmation by part of the club and the player, what yes is clear is that Iñigo Martínez always had clear his intention of fichar by the FC Barcelona. The defender formed in the Real Sociedad arrived to Bilbao in 2018 and in the last two years was near of a Barça that saw him like the best alternative regarding head offices by relation price/quality.

If finally it concretises his arrival, Xavi Hernández will add to the staff to the defender that asked after his arrival to the bench culé to finals of 2021. The defence blaugrana would be already almost totally armoured, waiting for a right-handed side that compensate the fault of a natural player in this position, another of the urgent requests of the egarense for the next season.

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