Kylian Mbappé Celebrates his goal


Madrid trembles! Mbappé would announce that he stays at PSG in May

Published:5/04/2022 - 01:37h

Updated:5/04/2022 - 01:37h

The rumors about the future of Kylian Mbappé do not stop after his post-match statements on Sunday. According to the journalist Daniel Riolo, from 'RMC Sport', the striker will reject Real Madrid's offer and will renew with Paris Saint-Germain

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While Kylian Mbappé devotes to be followed adding goals and assistances in Paris Saint-Germain, the French press burns regarding his future. The forward has left clear that has not taken any decision on his future and the possibility to remain in the PSG and sign the renewal of his agreement in summer has earned strength in the last hours. In this regard, the journalist Daniel Riolo ensured in 'RMC Sport' that the player of 23 years will not leave in July.

"The only interest of Nasser To the-Khelaïfi is to know what will do Kylian. Anybody goes me to believe, but will announce in May and goes to remain", affirmed Riolo, taking for granted that the '7' descartará the offer of the Real Madrid and will opt for renewing with the PSG. The last offer of Paris included a wage of 50 million fixed euros by two seasons, with the possibility to extend the agreement in 2024 in return of 100 'kilos' extra.

According to the French press, the Madrid would be had to equalise the 50 million wage that offers him the PSG and Florentino Pérez still trusts can fichar to the 'crack' French. In both cases, Kylian represents the figure of the sportive project to average and long term. The 'merengues' see him like the able star to lead to the team in the new Santiago Bernabéu, while Paris considers key to the forward to promote his image of face to the World-wide of Catar.

In this sense, the club would be had to leave him leave in the summer of 2024, but no in the next market of passes. For the managerial catarí, arrive to the World-wide in November with Kylian playing in Spain would be a hard hit and, thus, renew to the player has turned into a 'subject of state'. In the case of the Madrid, happen another market without a signing 'galactic' would finish to satisfy the patience of the fans, since his last big incorporation was the Belgian Eden Hazard, that has resulted up to now a complete fiasco. In the case of resignarse to lose to Mbappé, the 'merengues' would go desperately by Erling Haland, in a bidding that also luce very complicated.

The last 'wink' of Benzema to Mbappé

This Tuesday, 'L'Instrument' took advantage of his last interview with Karim Benzemá to add more morbo to the future of Kylian. The '9' of the Madrid did not lose the opportunity for 'wet' regarding the possible signing of of his mate of attack in the French selection. "It likes me play with him in the selection and would like me play with him in the club. I think that we would mark the double of goals. Or maybe even the triple!", it kidded the goleador of the Madrid, in the previous of the party of the Wednesday in front of Chelsea.

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