Jordi Cruyff ensured that the defeat of the PSG will not help to that Messi decide to be still in the Barça


Jordi Cruyff gets 'wet': The Barça revolution, De Jong, Lewandowski...

Published:27/04/2022 - 16:15h

Updated:27/04/2022 - 16:15h

The current presidential adviser and next technical secretary of Barça, Jordi Cruyff, has offered a few words where he talks about the present and future of the club for the summer market

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The future of the FC Barcelona depends a lot of the next market of signings. It is thus that the media are attentive to any eventuality that desvelen the executives of the club, and this time has been Jordi Cruyff the one who has done some statements in front of the cameras on the present and Barcelona future during the inauguration of a new 'Cruyff Court' in Constantí.

It began speaking on the possible signings for the forward of the first team. "I do not have descartado to anybody. Of names am not very had to to speak. Already there will be others that answer. The only that do is to bother to the clubs where play. It concerns me more the staff. All are big players", affirmed, together before 'happen' when being asked after Robert Lewandowski. "It is a player that has agreement, are the last in deciding. Dream is free", added.

Besides, also it pronounced on the possible exit of Frenkie of Jong, to the one who cataloged of untransferable after the party in front of the Ray Vallecano. "I said that in front of the criticisms that received, is a very valued player in the club and in the world of the football. This know it you also. It is not moment to speak of something that is above all else. The main is to fulfil with the minimum aims that had to do", matizó the current presidential adviser.

Added to all his words, wanted to do emphasis in the changes that has to do the club of face to the season 2022/23. "The football is cambiante. There are some concepts that it is necessary to vary. We have to be opened to these changes. The one who does not advance remains backwards. We have had a big series, but now no so much. It remains to gather all the staff and mark the guideline, what is what want to do. Be prepared for what avenges", aimed the next technical secretary of the Barça.

The renewals and the 'modernisation'

Near to finalise his intervention, referred to the chapter of the renewals. "They remain slopes the one of Gavi and the one of Dembélé. I think that these days or these weeks will be the moment to go working them. We will see if with good ending or no. We are trying to arrive to the same success that with Araujo. It is a negotiation and there is two that want", added the executive.

Finally, it spoke on 'modernizar' to the team. "The football has changed as well as the needs to compete. The titles depend on how can go to the market and of how go us to reinforce. When have more clarity on the 'fair play', will know what is possible and what no. Illusion have all. So that a 'crack' work there are others that have to leave him work well, this is balance", concluded.

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