Without Koeman will not arrive Depay and will take the offer of this powerful club


Koeman already talks about Depay: "He's on the right track, he's almost signed"

Published:17/06/2021 - 08:43h

Updated:17/06/2021 - 11:38h

Ronald Koeman spoke about the possible signing of Memphis Depay by FC Barcelona and was very optimistic about the agreement. The technician made it clear that it is practically closed and that it is a matter of days before it is announced

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"All the world knows that I carry a time negotiating with the Barcelona. I want to play with Ronald Koeman. Now it touches to expect, but soon there will be news". With these words, Memphis Depay left clear that his signing by the FC Barcelona is already practically enclosed. From it does days, only is question of time that the culés do his official arrival and even the own footballer recognises it.

Now, it is the own Koeman the one who has pronounced about the forward of the Dutch selection. The trainer barcelonista admitted in the celebrations of the 50 anniversary of the Groningen that his compatriot has it almost done with the Barça. "Memphis Has said something in this regard of his future and can confirm it. Until where I know is very directed. Even it is not signed, but almost", stood out.

It is necessary to remember that Depay is the big aim of Koeman​ for his Barcelona​ of face to this summer. The technician already asked to his compatriot at all more arrive to the group barcelonista, but finally the club could not allow bring him by the delicate economic situation by which crossed. The arrival of the forward was entirely enclosed, but in the last moment the Barcelona threw for backwards by fault of resources.

Since, as it has recognised in this occasion, the one of Zaandam has tried that the blaugrana fichen to the international 'oranje', something that finally goes to suceder. "It wanted to achieve it in January and if it comes now is genial for us", commented the preparador culé. Perhaps before finalising this week the Barça decide to do official the signing of the ex player of the Manchester United.

Koeman Also spoke of the "no" of Wijnaldum

On the other hand, Koeman also spoke of Georginio Wijnaldum, to the that also asked and that was to a step of the Camp Nou. However, at the end Paris Saint-Germain offered him more money, and as it recognises the technician, the Barça did not have at all that do in front of this. "I spoke with Gini in this regard of his signing and he at the end took a decision. It had to see with the situation of the Barcelona", said, referring to the fault of economic resources of the Catalans.

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