Kylian Mbappé en el duelo entre el Orleans y el PSG


Konaté and Klopp practically rule out Liverpool in the 'race' for Mbappé

Published:18/02/2024 - 10:45h

Updated:18/02/2024 - 18:52h

Liverpool seem to be getting out of the 'race' for the signing of Kylian Mbappé much sooner than expected. Although the press speculated about the Reds' alleged interest in the Frenchman, both Jurgen Klopp and Ibrahima Konaté made the club's position clear

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Except surprise, the Liverpool will not try to convince to Kylian Mbappé to play in the Premier League this summer. At least that is the posture that the club transmits publicly, once has confirmed that the forward of 25 years will go out of Paris Saint-Germain in June. So much Jurgen Klopp like Ibrahima Konaté were consulted by the options of fichar to the of Bondy and did not doubt in descartar this possibility, going out to the step to the rumours of the British press.

"The interest of the Liverpool in Mbappé? I do not have neither idea. I am not involved in this, but can say them that it would surprise me. It is complicated for the majority of teams that know", said the trainer 'network' on the presumptive interest of the ones of Merseyside in Kylian. In case to concretise the surprising signing of the of Bondy, would be with another trainer in the bench of Anfield, since Klopp confirmed the month happened his exit in June.

Konaté Also 'wetted' on the options of the Liverpool with Mbappé

By his part, Konaté, compatriot of the '7' Parisian and head office of the Liverpool, went further when being consulted on the options to see to the 'crack' Frenchman with the T-shirt 'network' in summer. "With total sincerity, think that Mbappé goes to come here? I think that all know where goes to go", argued the defender of 24 years doing reference to the rumours that take for granted the arrival of Kylian to the Real Madrid.

"All know it, so in this team do not think in him and neither will try to bring him here", added Konaté after the victory of the Liverpool in field of the Brentford. For the 'reds', this result and the tie of the Manchester City in front of Chelsea (1-1) allow them keep the leadership of the Premier. By his part, the PSG followed suit pulling his advantage in Tie it 1 with a triumph in front of the Nantes (0-2) where Mbappé converted coming of the bench. The 'serial' by the forward will extend , at least, until final of season, with the ones of Anfield almost out of the 'career' by his signing.

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