
Laporte Closes the door to a signing by the FC Barcelona

Laporte Closes the door to a signing by the FC Barcelona

Published:8/02/2016 - 10:47h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

The defender of the Athletic Club of Bilbao Aymeric Laporte recognised in an interview that the FC Barcelona has not contacted with him neither the past season neither this, but left clear that in case to do it would refuse any ofrecimiento for fichar by the Barcelona

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It seems that the central of the Athletic Club Aymeric Laporte has very clear that his future goes through to follow during a lot of years in the Basque group. The French footballer conceded an interview to "Telefoot" in which it spoke of his current situation and of the possibilities to change of team. On this last, and the supposed intentions of the FC Barcelona to do with his services, was taxativo in the answer.

"The FC Barcelona is one of the most important clubs of the world, but I would refuse a his offer. They have not contacted with me to present me an offer, have not done it this season neither previously, but does not interest me", concretised Laporte of flat form and leaving clear that his colours prevail in front of the possibility to form part of the best staff of the world and opt to win all the titles habidos and for having.

Laporte, that in the last Barça-Athletic went out quite portrayed after the partidazos of Luis Suárez or Burn Turan, couples of dance that left him almost by the floors in the last crash, confirmed that in the Basque group expects him "all a future by in front, playing these years in the Athletic",

The Basque defender also spoke on the possibilities that Vicente of the Forest finish him selecting for the combined state. Laporte Left clear his intention and illusion to go with France, closing him the door to the Spanish selection. In spite of this, the central follows without going in in the plans of Didier Deschamps that for now does not contemplate his announcement for the next Eurocopa that will take place in the country Frenchman.

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