Raphinha with Leeds


Leeds is approaching relegation and Raphinha is closer to Barça

Published:8/05/2022 - 19:54h

Updated:8/05/2022 - 19:54h

Leeds United have entered the relegation zone after being defeated by Arsenal. If they do not achieve salvation, the white team could see how Raphinha changes 'airs' by activating his termination clause of 25 million euros

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona plans a market of signings 'agitated' to go back to aspire to all the titles during the next season. To achieve such aim, from the offices of the Camp Nou are conscious that they have to fichar intelligently in order to add him quality to the staff without descuadrar the accounts of the club, that are quite a lot of engaged after the diverse economic problems lived by the entity. In this stage, the institution has put the 'look' in the Premier League.

Raphinha, player of the Leeds United, is one of the objects of wish bigger of the Catalan entity in case that Ousmane Dembélé finish doing the 'cases' to new horizons. The 'mosquito' finish his bond with the entity in June of this year, and in spite of his intensión to follow under the orders of Xavi Hernández, the negotiations for the extension of his agreement are 'stagnated'. The player already has expressed his wish to continue in Can Barça, but his economic pretences do not finish to coincide with what the club is had to offer him.

However, the operation by the Brazilian footballer antojaba complicated in a principle, since the group of Yorkshire did not have intensión to leave go out to one of his maximum figures, forcing to the Catalans to negotiate with them. Nevertheless, the extreme has a clause of rescission of 25 million euros that could activate if his team loses the category, facilitating of this way his traspaso to the City Condal.

Now, this stage sees near, since the Leeds has gone in in the zone of descent after losing by 2-1 in his visit to the Arsenal. The directed by Jesse March saw like his door fell twice in the first 10 minutes, leaving sentenced the meeting grieve 'going out of the changing rooms'. Raphinha Contested 60 minutes for afterwards be substituted by Rodrigo Moreno. Of this way, the whites situate in the décimoctava position of the table, in equality of points with the Burnley although with worse goal average.

The West Ham is attentive

The Barça is not the only interested in the attacker. And it is that in England the forward has 'poster', and one of the most interested teams in Raphinha is the West Ham United. The group 'hammer' already tried his incorporation during the past market of wintry signings, but received a negative answer by part of the directors of the team londinense. Nevertheless, these do not think 'desist' in his contracting since the player is very of the taste of the technician of the square, although the wish of the footballer is 'land' in the Camp Nou.

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