Jadon Sancho en partido con el Manchester United


This is how Barça sees the possible signing of Jadon Sancho in 2024

Published:11/12/2023 - 20:18h

Updated:11/12/2023 - 20:18h

FC Barcelona would have already made its position very clear regarding the possible signing of Jadon Sancho who has been offered through an exchange of stickers in the 2024 winter transfer market

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Jadon Sancho has gone back to be related with the FC Barcelona. His future is in the air, place is 'descartado' in the plans of Erik have Hag in the Manchester United and from does a few months has left to train or play with the first team. The most likely is that it abandon the Old Trafford in the month of January and at present looks for him a destination. The Barcelona picture is between the options.

In the last hours had informed that the 'Network Devils' had contacted to the Barça for the possibility to carry out a barter with Raphinha and Sancho like protagonists. However, from 'Sportive World' have informed that it is not a viable option for the Catalans of face to the market of wintry signings. First because they do not pose the exit of the international with Brazil and, second, because Sancho no 'convince' to the sportive area.

They have explained that there is not "at all" between the group blaugrana and the ex of the Borussia Dortmund, especially of face to the month of January. The Catalans have descartado the possibility to do with his services and, more important still, have left clear that does not go in in the plans of Xavi Hernández and company. They are not interested in his profile, at least for now.

The crisis of the Manchester United and Jadon Sancho

The 'drama' of Jadon Sancho in the Manchester United is not new. And it is that the English player carries three months separated of the dynamics of the first team by differences with his trainer, Erik have Hag. It does not train neither it does life with the rest of his mates. The 'history' began after it left him out of the announcement for a party against the Arsenal, by performance, to what answered in a message that finish deleting.

"Please, you do not believe all what read. I will not allow that the people say things that are entirely false. I have forced me to me same to train very well this week. I think that there are other reasons for this subject in which I will not go in. I have been a chivo piacular during long, which is not just", wrote Sancho. Since, the war has been constant and the point of break arrived after the Manchester United left him to pay the mount of his wage that corresponded him in this end of year. If it does not train neither it plays, neither it has to earn, according to the club.

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